Irina Panait

Edited on 08/06/2023

Irina Panait

  • Romania

  • Romanian, English, French, German, Italian
Availability :
Available for Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:

  1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
  2. Thematic expertise:
    > Housing
    > Strategic Urban Planning


Urban Planner: strategic spatial planning & architecture

I have a wide understanding on strategic planning due to a rich expertise and in elaborating and coordination architectural projects within interdisciplinary teams for designing complex residential, commercial, reconversion projects in historical areas, office and industrial buildings and coordinate complex urban planning project such as zonal plans of important parts of large cities (“The actualization of the Urban Zonal Plan of District 6, Bucharest”).


An international perspective on affordable housing provision

I have deep knowledge on affordable housing provision through planning practice and a Master degree International Development and Planning focused on cities of the Global South and housing provision for disadvantaged groups. My research focused on how various aspects of the historical context can have a strong impact on choices people make on housing and how the public administration can find feasible solutions for these social groups.


Expertise in European Territorial Cooperation: URBACT cooperation programme

My activity in the last 10 years was focused on European cooperation within the role of National Authority in URBACT and National URBACT Point with the general mission of explaining the URBACT method and guiding cities in their ambitious path for achieving a more integrated sustainable urban development. Moreover, I have focused on enhancing dialogue between cities on national level in order to have a shared understanding and richer knowledge on sustainable actions.