Validated Expert info
Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:
1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
2. Thematic expertise:
Communication | Equality, diversity and inclusion | Housing | Jobs and skills | Participative governance
3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
Monitoring and evaluation for effective implementation | Sustaining stakeholder engagement
I have been a validated Lead Expert during URBACT III and I have been involved as Expert in very interesting projects all around Europe. During these years my committment as Expert in Urban Sustainable development for Municipalities has grown a lot and I have been working as project manager for the Swedish and Italian Governements and for several cities in Italy, Turin, Rome, Bologna, Forlì and Verona in tight collaboration with Deputies and Mayors.
To became an Urbact Validated Expert for me means, influencing and inspiring the work of municipalities on issues of strong change that often need a less conservative push with a creative vision of real change and less politicisation on pressing European issues. As Urbact Expert I can bring my wide expertise in assisting Municipalities in this innovative big change. I have a double role as project manager but also as project evaluator expert because since 2021 I am and Evaluator Expert for the European Commission. Moreover my communication skills thanks to my collaborations at TV, radio and magazines and my work as adjunct professor for the University Tor Vergata In Rome in the Winter/Summer School for Urban Sustanable Development and for Venice International University in the Master of EU Project Design & Management can be useful for an integrate work with cities.