Nancy von Breska Ficovic, PhD
- German, Croatian, French, Italian, English

Validated Expert info
Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:
1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
2. Thematic expertise:
[Culture, Digital transformation]
As European cultural heritage expert and academic researcher I have been exploring the important role of cultural heritage for the renewal and innovation potential for European urban centres. Moreover, I have extensive experience (over 15 years) in cultural heritage expert work for multiple EU Executive Agencies (REA, EACEA, CINEA INNOV fund and INTERREG Joint Secretariat) as Supervising Vice Chair (SVC), Vice Chair (VC) and expert monitor for Horizon Europe, Creative Europe, Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) and INTERREG programmes.
I believe in the great potential of urban centres to foster creativity and innovation by valorisation of their cultural heritage (tangible, intangible as well as digital). Cities as dynamic hubs are outstanding in creating innovative approaches to tackle relevant social, economic or political challenges (e.g. polarization). Moreover, cities have proven to be at the helm of the green and digital transition with creative artistic approaches while also addressing the underlying social problems of these transitions (e.g. digital literacy, energy poverty) with participative actions.
My specific thematic expertise covers:
Art – as academic researcher and curator I have worked with international artists, museums and art galleries
Cultural heritage – as expert for EU agencies I have gained vast knowledge on integrated and sustainable urban development, including longstanding knowledge on European Cohesion Policy (ERDF) (e.g. consultant for DUNEA regional development agency) focusing on regional and urban economic, cultural and social development of the UNESCO city of Dubrovnik. Moreover, expert work for INTERREG Central Europe Joint Secretariat - provided me with expertise on transnational cooperation with regions and cities of nine EU Member States (Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia) with focus on environment, protection and sustainable use of natural/cultural heritage resources.
Cultural heritage and societal wellbeing – as lead expert I worked on the INTERREG funded ESPON Heriwell project (2020 -2022) assessing the impact of cultural heritage on societal wellbeing, analysing impacts of the European capital of culture (ECoC) legacy, sharing lessons learnt and transfer of best practices among ECoC candidates.
Cultural and creative sector (CCS) – for over 20 years I work internationally with cultural and creative sector (CCS) stakeholders across the EU (Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Malta) and am active with networks such as the European network on cultural management and policy (ENCATC), European network of cultural centres (ENCC) as well as the European Association of Cultural Researchers (ERICArts)
Culture and education (STEAM): from 2019 worked as Art & Science Jury member as well on Board of Directors for Leonardo4Children (L4C) non-profit initiative to bring Art and Science closer to children (6-12) and teenagers (13-18)
Digital culture (Artificial intelligence)- Digital Ethics expert working for EU executive agency REA as well as member of the Digital Ethics Working Group (ENCC)
Digital cultural platforms – Europeana PRO Network member community which focusses on exchange of digital expertise, tools and policies to embrace digital change and encourage partnerships that foster innovation
Living and working in Brussels since 2001, I have excellent English and French communication skills (written and spoken) obtained in communicating with officials from the EU Commission, EU Parliament, EU Committee of Regions as well as EU Executive Agencies and EU policy stakeholders. I am also fluent in Croatian, German and Italian.