Edited on 25/06/2024


  • Italy

  • Italian, English, Spanish, French
Availability :
Available for Lead Expert role and Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities


2. Thematic expertise:

Climate Adaptation | Energy transition | Finance and resources | Strategic Urban Planning


3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
> Integrated and participatory design of strategies
> Securing funding and resourcing



I am a licensed architect with a master in Lobbying and EU legislation at the school of Law of Rome 2 University with expertise in Post Lisbon participation of MS Elected assemblies to EU legislation. I have been EU JAPAN visiting scientist under 3 EC Science&Technology award fellowships working at the Building Research Institute 建築研究所 (former Japanese Ministry of Construction) in Tokyo and Tsukuba. I am currently EUAA Funding expert for the Operation in Spain (Madrid). I am in the Pool of experts of the European Urban Initiative, contracted as moderator in a EUI EC DG REGIO event on Integrated Territorial Investments in Croatia(2023). I passed twice the 日本語能力試験 JLPT , Japanese proficiency exam.

  • My 33-year professional career spans across different experience; researcher&professional designer in urban/territorial and integrated planning for Japanese and Italian institutions; PR, technical adviser for Japanese Embassy in Rome; Public official expert in strategic planning/urban renewal schemes; Contracted Urbact LE&AdHoc expert, expert of the EFDD in European Parliament.

  • I am currently contracted  funding expert working for the EUAA (Spain and previously Cyprus) and contracted expert supporting result exploitation of approved H2020 and HE projects in the area of clean energy and digital transition

  • I am contracted expert in clean energy and raw materials (hydrogen) providing support to approved projects funded by H2020 and Horizon Europe in identifying technical standards in order to facilitate market access to European innovative technologies

  • (2022-2023) I have been been contracted Governance and Funding expert for the Covenant of Mayors (Policy Support Facility an funded by the EC DG REGIO) supporting 3 Italian cities in identifying and implementing climate adaptation measures.

  • Since 2018 I have been evaluator for the EC and other international donors, including the prestigious Newton Prize (2019 ans 2020 editions) promoted by the UNESCO UK National Commission.

  • Over the years I’ve become aware of the importance of horizontal&vertical integration: these combined with a strong political commitment determine successful application of models originated in other contexts but adapted to fit local needs. My biggest professional asset remains my experience on Japanese innovative decentralization strategies&urban regeneration programs/plans to make out-most territories more attractive and prevent brain drain. It still represents a compass to designing local solutions to support Europe's balanced polycentric urban models.