Pascaline Gaborit

Edited on 20/03/2024

Pascaline Gaborit

  • Belgium

  • French, English, Spanish, Dutch, German
Availability :
Available for Lead Expert role and Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:

  1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
  2. Thematic expertise:
    > Climate Adaptation
    > Participatory Governance
    > Energy Transition
    > Culture
  3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
    > Integrated and participatory design of strategies
    > Sustaining engagement of stakeholders and translating strategies into actions


Dr. Pascaline Gaborit has more than 20 years of experience, in cities' Strategies, Policies, European cooperation, Capacity Building and Exchanges. She has expertise on Sustainable Urban Sustainable Design, Resilience, Civic Engagement, Climate Adaptation, Gender Equality and Culture. Pascaline Gaborit holds a PhD in political science. She is actually member of the small Think Tank Pilot4dev.  The objectives of the organization are to support dialogue, to design  projects for research and action, and to promote capacity building. She has experienced in URBACT methodologies: to coordinate cities' networks, and to work with local support groups

She published books and articles on resilience, climate adaptation, culture, energy, and gender equality. She was the coordinator the pilot cities network for more than 12 years and worked as an adviser for other think tanks.

She organizes, and moderates events, publishes reports and analysis, manages projects, and gives lectures at university. She is currently teaching and supervising students for the professional Master ‘Resilient Cities’ at the Free University of Brussels. She is part of the scientific or assessment committees in several programs and in European projects. She is also a dive instructor and teacher on marine ecosystems.

Pascaline currently works as expert for the project “CRIC: Climate Resilient and Inclusive Cities”. The project focuses on Early Warnings, Climate adaptation, and Disasters’ resilience strategies and participation of civil society. She is involved in other projects in different countries and regions:,, BRUD Building Resilient Urban Design

Her main books include:  ‘Climate Adaptation and Resilience: Challenges and Potential Solutions - Peter Lang Verlag. Anticipatory governance, Planning and Dialogue' 2022, ‘The strength of Culture for Development’ (2015), and ‘European and Asian Sustainable Towns’ (2016). She had published earlier a collective book on ‘Gender Stereotypes’ (2008) and another on ‘Trust in post conflict societies’ (2009) by publisher L’Harmattan.

Other publications include:

And the contribution to the following international reports:

  • Hidden Cities Report, World Health Organization-UN Habitat, 2010

  • Second Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN) 2018, Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities (ARC3-2). Contribution to chapter 2: Civic Engagement