Petra Grgasović

Edited on 04/08/2024

Petra Grgasović

  • Croatia

  • Croatian, English, Bosnian, Serbian
Availability :
Available for Lead Expert role and Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities


2. Thematic expertise:
[Education, Knowledge economy, Mobility]


3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:

> Securing funding and resourcing
> Sustaining stakeholder engagement and translating strategies into actions



A Master of Architecture and Urban Planning and a University Specialist in Environmental Engineering with over 15 years of experience in both public and private sectors. 

Through my professional life, I have been focused on various aspects of sustainable urban development, mostly mobility and climate change mitigation, contributing in many different roles. My current efforts are directed towards supporting a smooth energy and digital transition of urban areas, while working with innovators, academia and local authorities. 

A long history in preparation, implementation and evaluation of different urban development projects has enabled me to gain perspective on various challenges that the cities and municipalities are facing. By using these insights and supported by formal and informal education, today I can help in technical and non-technical aspects of sustainable urban development, both to local governments and the stakeholders of the urban ecosystem.

Besides working on strategic and project level assignments, I am an active educator in field of innovation, mobility and soft skills that can foster more productive communication, negotiation and learning among public entities and SMEs.

What motivates me is a vision of more beautiful, healthier and people-friendly streets and cities, better public services, and economic growth that is considerate to natural and cultural resources. Convinced that positive changes start from enthusiastic, brave and mindful individuals, I am always happy to meet those willing to exchange knowledge and collaborate.