Ruxandra Aelenei

Edited on 28/08/2024

Ruxandra Aelenei

  • Netherlands

  • Romanian, Dutch, English
Availability :
Available for Lead Expert role and Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities


2. Thematic expertise:
[Education, Mobility, Strategic urban planning]


3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
> Integrated and participatory design of strategies
> Sustaining stakeholder engagement and translating strategies into actions


I am a versatile and progressive urban planner, architect, and educator, fascinated by the complexity of cities as ever-evolving systems. My professional endeavours focus on finding solutions that enhance the quality of life for all living beings, and I am convinced that a shift towards sustainable lifestyles, practices, and actions is not only achievable but also essential. Sustainable mobility is my passion and I enjoy working on projects that look at the interaction between various urban topics. 

Besides my activity as a lecturer in mobility and urban planning at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, I am regularly involved in organising and facilitating co-creative workshops, knowledge exchange activities, study tours, and trainings for international groups and individuals. I am currently the Innovative Action Expert for the New European Bauhaus demonstrator project SOFTAacademy in Tallinn, Estonia, which is financed and supported by the European Urban Initiative

I have worked on numerous projects and initiatives in The Netherlands, Romania, Estonia, Iceland, Italy, Belgium, Georgia, Iraq, the Palestinian Territories, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Mozambique, and Uganda, and I am a firm believer in the power of knowledge sharing and learning from each other (from both successes and failures). I am dedicated to help creating beautiful, safe, and inclusive urban spaces by providing integrated urban planning advice and knowledge in cities, towns, and villages all over the world.  Given my broad international experience in different environments, I am able to come up with tailor-made, fresh, and realistic ideas and approaches to tackle current challenges and to set things in motion. I work in an integrated way, looking at the big picture first before diving into details, and I enjoy collaborating with experts from various fields of work and disciplines in search of cross-sectoral solutions for urban and rural contexts