Zaklina Gligorijevic

Edited on 29/08/2024

Zaklina Gligorijevic

  • Serbia

  • Serbian, English, Spanish
Council Member, Salon of Architecture 2024, Museum of Applied Arts, Belgrade, Autor: Dragana Udovicic
Availability :
Available for Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities


2. Thematic expertise:
[Strategic urban planning, Urban design]


Zaklina holds an MSc and Ph.D.  Degree in Architecture and Urban Planning from Belgrade University and was continuously educated from the SPURS MIT postgraduate program in 2003/4, WB programs from 2010 – 2019, urban transatlantic GMF programs in 2014 and 2015, and various seminars, workshops, and exchange events. 

She is a true city lover with a career focused on strategic and urban planning. She was the first female architect and later director of the Centre for Urban Development Planning, later worked in the Belgrade City Architect Office, led the General and Spatial Planning Department of the Urban Planning Institute of Belgrade, and held the position of the General Director between 2008 and 2012. She has been an active member and the president of several cities' planning committees, including the City of Belgrade in 2013.

As a consultant, she was engaged in EU, WB, and UN projects, dealing with urban and economic development, urban revitalization, culture, industrial heritage, placemaking, TOD, and SMART strategies, and lately devoted to raising the capacity of the Serbian government, cities, and local self-governments to achieve integrated, sustainable, and inclusive development. She led teams of experts in IPA 2014 project Improvement of Socio-Economic Living Conditions of Roma Population ((KPMG d.o.o. Beograd, 2019-2021) and SECO-funded project Strengthening capacities of local self-governments in Serbia towards low-carbon and resilient urban development investments as part of the WB program Green, Livable, Resilient Cities in Serbia (GFA SEE, 2021-2024), working with more than 40 local governments in 6 years. 

She signed awarded urban design competitions, projects, studies, and plans, including the Belgrade Master Plan in 2009, the City of Belgrade Development Strategy in 2011 and 2016, and participated in developing national housing (2018) and the Architecture Strategy (2023). She organized national and international conferences, exhibitions, meetings, and Belgrade's cooperation with the cities of Barcelona and Vienna (2007-2012). She commonly represented the City of Belgrade and the urban planning profession in various international events. Since the beginning of her career, she has been actively engaged in professional associations, such as ISOCARP (since 2005) and national and local associations of architects and urban planners, and she is representing Serbian architects in the European Council of Architects. She is a jury member for the 12th edition of the CCCB European Prize for Urban Public Space.