Complete your Expert profile!

Well done! If you are visiting this page, it can only mean you have been validated in the
URBACT IV Pool of Experts.


Thorough and up to date information in your URBACT expert public profile will make it easier for the URBACT networks and/or the URBACT Secretariat to reach out to you when searching for most suitable competencies to carry out specific expertise missions.


Read on to find out how you can make the most of your URBACT expert public profile. You can as well download these instructions (in PDF format) at the bottom of the page.

Once you are validated, your basic information will be showcased in our Pool of Experts (


URBACT Pool of Experts




Using the SEARCH ENGINE you can find your own Expert profile. Then click on it!


Expert profile


First of all, be sure to be logged in to the website account you have used to submit your Expert Application (LOGIN button on the top right).


After clicking on your public profile, if you are correctly logged in, you will be able to see an EDIT button (to the left). Click on it:


Expert profile EDIT



This action will lead you to the back-office of your own profile, where you can make changes to your basic and generic information:


Expert profile



Please be mindful that you cannot change all information that is showcased in your public profile. Some sections (e.g. validation block and availability) are exclusively filled up by the URBACT Secretariat.


Nonetheless, you can (and should!) update other contact and general information.

Your SUMMARY is the most important content, when it comes to what URBACT  Networks should know. Make sure to write down an appealing pitch!


In addition to the generic information around the types of expertise you have been validated for (which will be automatically displayed on you profile), the SUMMARY section provides an opportunity for all validated experts to showcase more focused information around unique qualities and points of difference. You can summarise your experience within and outside URBACT. You can present your latest experience and achievements as well as the approaches that shape the quality of your work. Don't forget to mention URBACT Networks you have worked with in the past and what was your expertise role.

And finally, be succinct and straight to the point! People tend to not finish reading texts that are too long.


You can as well use the icon below to embed hyperlinks to your profile. 

hyperlink icon


At last, don't forget to add a recent PROFILE PICTURE, update any LANGUAGES of proficiency and your current COUNTRY of residence.


You can also add different SOCIAL MEDIA channels, as you please:


Social media


Your URBACT Expert public profile will be visible throughout the whole duration of the URBACT IV Programme, until 2027. Hence, why you should come back to your public profile from time to time to update new achievements and experiences.


Whenever there are new things uploaded to your public profile, be sure to always click on the SAVE button at the end of the page:




Be sure to check how your public profile looks in the front office -- how anyone sees your profile on the website:


Expert public profile


Should you found any technical issues or if you have any questions, send an e-mail to EXPERT@URBACT.EU

Download the PDF instructions