Global Goals for Cities Learning Kit

Edited on 30/01/2023

Welcome to the Global Goals for Cities Learning Kit 

GG4C Leanring Kit 2


6 Modules to localise the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Integrated Action Planning 

Module 0: Introduction to the Global Goals for Cities (GG4C) Learning Kit 

This Global Goals for Cities (GG4C) Learning Kit is made for cities by cities. It allows users to learn about different aspects of SDG localisation, with the main focus on planning or improving local actions contributing to the goals.

Each of the 6 modules offers a brief, practical guide to the topic / action planning step and provides illustrative examples of how different cities have tackled the issue.

Each module is structured in the following way:

  • The Basics - providing the theoretical building blocks and tools for the steps covered in the Module

  • Examples from GG4C - showing the result of applying the tools and concepts in GG4C partner cities

  • Examples from the world - providing more inspiration from other cities and networks 

Using the GG4C Learning Kit from start to end provides a step-by-step guide to developing an integrated action plan that contributes to local SDG priorities for the city or organisation using the kit. The modules can be used in the sequence laid out or independently. The aim is to allow cities with diff erent amount of experience with SDG localisation to choose aspects that are most relevant for what they want to achieve.

Module 1: Understanding your starting point for integrated action planning using SDGs

Module 1 describes how to start localising and planning integrated actions contributing to the SDGs in different contexts and with different starting points. Approaches range from creating a comprehensive strategic plan for the SDGs to identifying and solving the most pressing SDG challenges in the city, or improving governance mechanisms to achieve better policy coherence for sustainable development. Examples of analytical tools used to have a fi rst SDG “diagnosis” by GG4C partners are illustrated and explained.

Module 2: Raising awareness about the SDGs and starting a participatory process

Module 2 focuses on methods and approaches for raising awareness among local stakeholders and citizens about the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. This is an essential step needed for starting a participatory process around SDG localisation and integrated action planning. Practical examples of awareness-raising activities and types of stakeholders participating in co-creating the integrated action plans contributing to the SDGs are provided.

Module 3: Developing a shared vision for the SDGs through #SDGStories

Module 3 provides some useful methodologies and resources for developing a shared vision for the SDGs together with stakeholders. It also explains the importance of having a vision that provides the basis for goal-based planning aligned with the SDGs. Among Global Goals for Cities partners, future visions were concretised in the form of #SDGStories, captured through videos, news paper articles, among other means.

Module 4: Building an integrated action plan contributing to the SDGs

Module 4 introduces the different building blocks of an integrated action plan and how to make sure that it truly contributes to the SDGs in a robust way. It goes into the details of how to localise the SDG targets and what that process means for setting objectives, identifying desired results and, finally, co-creating actions to reach the set objectives.

The “intervention logic” and results framework model used in all URBACT Action Planning networks is the main reference used, adapted to the SDG localisation process. We also introduce how to develop shared missions to set the direction of the action plan and motivate partners. Examples of missions and actions designed to contribute to localised SDG targets are provided.

Module 5: Monitoring and reporting results on the SDGs

Module 5 introduces ways to select indicators to measure progress on the SDGs at local level. It draws on commonly used frameworks for measuring urban sustainability and introduces a few frameworks specifically designed for measuring the SDGs in cities. The concept and global movement of “Voluntary Local Reviews” is introduced, explaining the importance of making the work done on SDGs visible locally, nationally and internationally.

Module 6: Strengthening governance for SDGs in cities

Module 6 is focussed on one of the learning priorities for the Global Goals for Cities partners: strengthening and developing new governance mechanisms and models for the SDGs and sustainable development work more generally in cities. The module covers some different trends and examples of SDG and transition governance approaches and introduces some practical tools to help cities design forward-looking models for participatory governance.


The Global Goals for Cities (GG4C) Learning Kit is part of the network’s final network product - a multi-media product comprised of a collection of deliverables produced to showcase the results of the network. All the materials and articles produced during the life span of the GG4C network can be found on the network’s URBACT web page.

Submitted by on 10/01/2023
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Karin Luhaäär

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