Date of label : 29/10/2024

Group of people gathered for an event related to smart tourism in Dublin.
Dublin City Council’s Gaeilge365 initiative (IE) is transforming urban language revitalisation through innovative programmes and strategic partnerships. Rooted in strong legislative and policy frameworks, Gaeilge365 fuses social innovation, behavioural psychology, and sociolinguistic theory to foster a new field of language innovation. The project encompasses 12 key themes, from arts and culture to economic development, ensuring comprehensive community impact. With proven success in pilot programmes and acclaim from political, academic, and community leaders, Gaeilge365 is a scalable model for municipalities across Europe, driving linguistic diversity and sustainable urban development. This initiative enriches cultural heritage, setting a new standard for language revitalisation in urban settings.
The solutions offered by the Good Practice
Gaeilge365, led by Dublin City Council, fosters daily Irish language use through innovative programmes and partnerships. Aligned with the City Development Plan 2022-2028 and the Corporate Plan 2020-2024, it is a model for urban language revitalisation.
Key outcomes:
- Launch: The Gaeilge365 Innovation Unit was established in 2023.
- Pilot programmes: Initiatives like Spraoi na Sráide (street arts festivals), Craiceáilte (youth projects), and Scéim na Síopaí (retailer support) have increased opportunities for using the Irish language in Dublin.
- Government support: The Minister for Local Government requests that Dublin City Council collaborate with three other local governments to build a scalable model.
Gaeilge365 offers practical ways for minority language speakers to integrate Irish into everyday life, using daily activities and public spaces to create opportunities for natural language use. Since September 2023, the programme has piloted 10 solutions, creating 10 671 opportunities (up 71%) to speak Irish.
Possible areas for improvement:
- Scalability across Europe: Adapt successful pilot programmes to other cities, ensuring they are replicable and relevant.
- Impact measurement: Develop a model to measure linguistic impact and associated social, economic, cultural, or environmental benefits, emphasising the broader value of language revitalisation initiatives.
Building on the sustainable and integrated urban approach
Gaeilge365 takes an integrated approach to urban challenges by addressing environmental, economic, and social dimensions simultaneously, and creating a holistic model for language revitalisation and community development.
- Environmental: Gaeilge365’s innovations leverage indigenous knowledge and explore connections between cultural and linguistic heritage, and environmental stewardship. By integrating environmental awareness, Gaeilge365 encourages participants to value and protect their natural surroundings.
- Economic: Gaeilge365 stimulates local economies by supporting Irish language-related businesses. Programmes like Scéim na Síopaí help retailers engage with customers in the Irish language and increase revenue. Partnerships with businesses promote Irish language services and niche markets, and enhance cultural tourism.
- Social: Gaeilge365 enhances social cohesion by creating inclusive spaces for Irish language speakers. Through daily Irish language-use opportunities, the initiative strengthens community bonds and promotes cultural diversity. Programmes such as youth leadership projects, caregiver support networks, and public service training ensure Irish is part of everyday life, fostering a sense of belonging and identity among speakers.
Based on a participatory approach
Gaeilge365 uses a robust participatory approach for both project development and implementation, involving a diverse range of stakeholders.
Fostering a participatory approach:
- Community involvement: Local communities co-create and implement programmes, like street arts festivals and workshops, ensuring they are relevant and engaging.
- Workshops and consultations: Regular workshops and consultations with community members, Irish language speakers, and local organisations gather input, refine initiatives, and address needs.
- Youth engagement: Programmes like Craiceáilte empower young people to create and lead Irish language projects within their communities.
Key stakeholders involved:
- Local government: Dublin City Council leads the initiative, integrating Gaeilge365 with city services and policies.
- Community organisations: Collaboration with organisations like Conradh na Gaeilge and Gaelbhratach ensures community representation and support.
- Businesses: Retailers and local businesses participate in initiatives like Scéim na Síopaí, benefitting from increased customer engagement.
What difference has it made?
Gaeilge365 has fostered a thriving Irish language community in Dublin, and by providing opportunities for daily Irish language use it has countering the language’s decline in urban areas. The integration of the language into everyday activities and public spaces creates a supportive environment for speakers and learners, promoting cultural pride and community cohesion.
Key achievements:
- Community impact: Programmes like Spraoi na Sráide have engaged 32% of local residents in Irish language festivals, strengthening community bonds.
- Economic growth: Initiatives like Scéim na Síopaí have led to an average annual increase of 400 customers per participating retailer, bringing an estimated EUR 17 600 uplift per retailer.
- Youth involvement: Craiceáilte has involved 20 secondary and 30 higher education students in language innovation workshops, fostering the next generation of Irish speakers and leaders.
Before the implementation of the project, there was limited engagement with the Irish language in Dublin, and minimal opportunities to use Irish in the city’s public spaces.
After implementation, there was increased Irish language use, with visible opportunities for speaking it in everyday life, and a strong internal culture within Dublin City Council promoting the Irish language.
Why this Good Practice should be transferred to other cities
Gaeilge365 is highly relevant for other European cities, offering a scalable model for urban language revitalisation that promotes cultural inclusivity and social cohesion. Through innovative local government programmes and strategic partnerships, Gaeilge365 enables minority language speakers to integrate their language into everyday life.
The good practice aligns with:
- The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) and SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities), by fostering inclusive, safe, and sustainable urban environments.
- The Urban Agenda for the EU, by enhancing cultural heritage.
- The EU Territorial Agenda 2030, by strengthening local identity and community engagement.
- Irish national policy and legislation, including the Local Government Act (2001) and the Official Languages Act (2003 and 2021).
Policy provides a strong framework in Ireland, but the initiative is designed to thrive even in places without similar national legislation. With strong local support, Gaeilge365’s approach and methodology can be effectively transferred to other cities across the EU.
Gaeilge365’s methodology, rooted in language innovation, is flexible and adaptable to various socio-linguistic city contexts. While it requires tailoring to the specific needs and cultural background of each city, the underlying theories are applicable anywhere minority languages are spoken, but lack daily use opportunities.
Requirements for transfer to other cities:
- Local governments must provide strong leadership and commitment.
- Upskilling staff to speak minority languages to engage customers.
- A paradigm shift from translation-driven services to innovative engagement, drawing on cross-agency relationships to effectively deliver and sustain the initiative in new contexts.
Gaeilge365 is currently scaling across three local authorities in Ireland, with support from two government departments. Additionally, the practice is involved in building a European Language Equality Network for minority language revival professionals in local government across Europe.