How can Varberg become the number one city for young talent?

Edited on 13/03/2024

URBACT Local Group meeting in Varberg, Sweden


The 11th of March, students in their second year of the Event Management bachelor programme at Campus Varberg presented ideas on how to make Varberg the number one choice for young talent! Six groups presented their ideas that ranged from apps and career fairs to festivals. Several representatives from the public and private sector joined the session to give their feedback, thoughts, and input on the students’ work.


There is no doubt that talent attraction is a hot subject – the room was buzzing! Most of the discussions that took place touched upon the complexity of the subject. There are many factors that need to be in place for successful talent attraction. There needs to be a larger motivation force than just career opportunities. The students highlighted the need for social activities and communities to make Varberg feel like home.


“It becomes clear to me that talent attraction requires a holistic approach and is built on many different components. It’s not just about job possibilities, even though its one critical factor”.



Submitted by Zoltán Szenes on 13/03/2024
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Zoltán Szenes

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