Insights from the Project Partners on Digital Inclusion

Edited on 21/06/2024

Interview with the Project Partner

Insights from the Project Partners on Digital Inclusion 

Insight with Mihaela Popisa from the Iasi Municipality

Insight with Mihaela Popisa from the Iasi Municipality

Ilze VItola interview from Jelgava Municipality

Ilze VItola interview from Jelgava Municipality

Isabelle Waiter from the Boulogne-Sur-Mer Développement office speaks about the project

Isabelle Waiter from the Boulogne-Sur-Mer Développement office speaks about the project

Short interview with Kostas Karamarkos from Alexandroupolis

Short interview with Kostas Karamarkos from Alexandroupolis

Interview with Silvia Silva, network partner from Torres Vedras municipality

Interview with Silvia Silva, network partner from Torres Vedras municipality

Teresa Galelli from the Lepida Scpa in Bologna, Italy

Teresa Galelli from the Lepida Scpa in Bologna, Italy

Anna Knoff gives her point of view from the Gdansk Entrepreneurship Foundation

Anna Knoff gives her point of view from the Gdansk Entrepreneurship Foundation

Interview with Aida Svraka who works for the Department for Development and International Projects of Government of Zenica-Doboj Canton in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Interview with Aida Svraka who works for the Department for Development and International Projects of Government of Zenica-Doboj Canton in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Submitted by AlbertMollet on 22/12/2023
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