Nature-Based Solutions, Equal Cities & Inclusive Design

Edited on 02/12/2024

a group of people posing for a picture in from of an old building

Participants in front of one of the historic buildings in the former barracks area

A group of people standing in fornt of an old building

The 5th Core Network Meeting of partners within the Green Place network took place in Nitra on October 15-16, 2024. The meeting focused on the topics of Nature-Based Solutions, Equal Cities & Inclusive Design. It was also aimed at feedback on the addressed area of ​​abandoned brownfield of former military barracks and drawing on relevant experiences with partners on this topic. The meeting continued with some partners on October 17 as  a site visit, showcasing successful examples of good practices in green infrastructure, work with minority groups, improving the health of residents, and the reconstruction of historic buildings.

Participants took part in a guided tour of the former barracks area


Nature-Based Solutions and Green Infrastructure 

The first day began with a tour of good practice examples in the field of building green infrastructure aimed at reducing heat waves on the streets. Together, we discussed the importance of alley trees on streets and the results of the Hackathon for co-design of public squares.

Afterwards, the meeting participants moved to the former barracks area, where they learned about the rich history of the area, its architectural values, current condition and use.  This area was delimited after 2008 from state ownership to the City of Nitra, the Diocese of Nitra and the Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. 

Meeting participants also visited ULG partners based in this area. At the Depository of the Archaeological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and The Archaeological Open-air Museum, they became acquainted with the oldest history of the territory. The NGO “Zoborské včely” captivated participants with an expert presentation about The City Apiary and the unique educational Apiary being prepared.  

Meeting with ULG partner NGO “Zoborské včely” and tour of The City Apiary in the former barracks area


At the end of the tour, all meeting participants were welcomed to the newly renovated building of the Nitra Creative Centre by its director, Katarína Živanovič, who hosted our meeting there for two whole days. The meeting with ULG partners continued with a presentation by the Nitra Architects Association, which showcased its activities and the results of a GreenPlace testing action, „Days of Architecture in Military Barracks“. Another ULG partner, the Diocese of Nitra, presented a renovation project for the hospital building, the largest structure in the area. Next, the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, presented student works on the topic of the restoration and development of the former barracks area. Their presentation included a concept of the entire area, as well as possible solutions and functions for individual buildings in the form of an exhibition of posters and models, a catalogue of works and a presentation. This comprehensive display helped the participants to better understand the problems and challenges concerning this area. After touring the barracks area and the exhibition, participants engaged in a peer review session, which sparked lively discussions and an exchange of ideas on the topic of brownfield restoration.

ULG partner ZAN Association of Architects in Nitra presents a plan to renovate a section of the former barracks area


Discussion on the urban design of the barracks area, created in collaboration with the ULG member Faculty of Architecture and Design


In the afternoon, the participants were welcomed by the Mayor of Nitra, Marek Hattas, and the meeting continued with a workshop on Nature-Based Solutions and Green Infrastructure, during which all partner cities presented their examples of good practices. 

Various examples of green infrastructure elements were shared, ranging from temporary to permanent, and from simple to more complex solutions, all of which were transferable to the common urban practices. This was followed by a tour of the Nitra Creative Centre, where the centre’s director introduced its concept, craft workshops, music rehearsal rooms, coworking spaces, and social areas. The Nitra Creative Centre is an example of the reuse of original barracks buildings, aiming are to provide space for the cultural industry and the city's cultural community.  The day ended with an evening visit to green solutions in the public realm –a  slope reinforcement by coconut nests and geocells on the Castle Hill.

Mayor of Nitra, Marek Hattas, attending the meeting


Equal Cities and Inclusive Design 

The second day began with a visit to two city parks, where participants could see examples of various solutions for the restoration of green areas. In the New Park, they explored a meadow and the integration of art elements with a natural theme in the park's composition. In the Old Park, they examined solutions for water-permeable sidewalks, sports facilities and children's playgrounds. The topic of tree management and care was also discussed. 

The day continued with a workshop on equal cities and inclusive design, led by lecturer Iris Popescu.  The session began with an interactive introduction, where participants shared personal stories of exclusion, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of the topic. Then they delved into the history of disability, analyzing prejudices and the social model of disability to understand it beyond the boundaries of permanent impairment. This perspective highlighted how disability intersects with discrimination caused by the built environment based on gender, age, culture, etc. Participants explored how the built environment contributes to social segregation and emphasized the importance of shifting accessibility from a “special case” to a top priority in urban development. The session also included practical training on conducting accessibility analyses. To apply these concepts, participants engaged in a hands-on activity, jointly assessing the accessibility of their own projects. 

In the afternoon, the program continued with presentations of the outputs from all partners’ testing actions. Participants were introduced to a wide variety of different approaches and forms of testing actions. 

The meeting was concluded with a mid-term reflection. 

The workshop on equal cities and inclusive design led by a lecturer Iris Popescu


Site visit

The third day featured a site visit program prepared for partners from the City of Wroclaw. It focused on the results of the HORIZON project IN-HABIT - Nitra, in which the city collaborates as a partner with the Slovak University of Agriculture. The project primarily aims to improve the quality of health of the population and involve excluded communities. The visit included project outcomes such as a community garden at the Independent Cultural Centre “HidePark” and a flower meadow along the Nitra River. 

The program concluded with a visit to the successfully restored Vila K. Also known as Kollmann´s House, Vila K is a significant architectural example of Slovak functionalism, built in 1934. Designed by  architect Oskar Singer, the house reflects principles established by the founder of functionalism, Le Corbusier. Vila K is an important national cultural heritage monument, prioritized for restoration. To ensure its preservation and management, the civic association Vila K was established, with primary task to ensure a comprehensive restoration of the monument and its introduction to the public. 

The meeting of partner cities in Nitra contributed to the transfer of good practice examples and provided space for collaboration and training, which will contribute to the creation of the IAP.


Article written by Denisa Halajová , November 2024, Nitra

Submitted by on 28/11/2024
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Joanna Gańcza-Pawełczyk

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