19/09/2022 19/09/2022
Cooperate among partners to optimise a sustainable, and affordable supply of housing and to assure social cohesion through social mix and sustainable housing.

Our common objective is to make decisive steps forward in developing higher levels of sustainable housing provision, in the respective local context, considering both the social and environmental perspectives. By combining both perspectives SUITE aims at the improvement of the steering ability of local authorities within an urban policy field characterized by a dynamic development in terms of economical, social, ecological and demographic challenges. This higher level of policy would be based on a broad involvement of different local actors, using open methods of cooperation/participation and a substantial responsiveness for needs of different social groups.
Lead Partner : Santiago De Compostela - Spain- Iași - Romania
- Krakow - Poland
- Medway
- Nantes - France
- Newcastle
- Rennes - France
- Tallinn - Estonia