3rd TNM in Portugal, an exercise in projecting towards a future without social isolation issues

Edited on 15/05/2024

February 20th and 21st marked the holding of the 3rd Transnational Meeting "Breaking Isolation" in Pombal, Portugal, bringing together the 10 delegations from the Urbact program.

This meeting allowed for a comprehensive review of the Breaking Isolation network. Partner cities were able to share their impressions on the baseline study, providing additional information and giving their views on the challenges related to heterogeneity in the formation of ULGs (Urban Local Groups).

Indeed, the composition and involvement of ULGs are crucial for the success of the program. Comprised of various partners such as citizens, elected officials, and associations, these groups must be representative of the local population and play an essential role in implementing methodologies, tools, and actions aimed at struggling social isolation at the local level. They will also contribute to the development of the Integrated Action Plan (PAI).

Furthermore, Christophe Gouache, the expert of "Breaking Isolation," invited all participants to a session of envisioning the future: "Imagining a future where the issue of social isolation would be resolved." This exercise allowed network members to project themselves into the near future and strengthen their commitment to this large-scale project.

In addition to cultural visits to the city of Pombal, partners also had the opportunity to discover local initiatives already in place to struggle against social isolation. Whether it be sports projects, projects focused on disability, or an experimental laboratory dedicated to the elderly, the diversity of local initiatives fostered exchanges rich in good practices.

Submitted by on 15/05/2024
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Barbara Gautherie

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