LET'S GO CIRCULAR!: How the action planning starts

Edited on 03/06/2024

Group picture of the network in Guimaraes

What a first quarter for the LET'S GO CIRCULAR! Action Planning network. We started to discuss approaches on European cities's way to transition from linear to circular economies and shared some first best cases. 

Our ten partners from nine countries got to know each other and really formed a network. Read the illustrated magazine from our dedicated Lead Expert Eleni with highlights from our two first transnational meetings in Guimarães and Lisbon, hot topics discussed, our partners' local progress and URBACT tools used. Some inspiring highlights from Portugal: 

Passing clear messages to citizens… Community gardens … Reuse of cigarette butts and chewing gums… Reusable caps in public events… Collection and recycling of disposable medical masks… Social inclusion serving circular economy through re.storeNGO… Digitalisationserving circular economy: TO BE GREEN NGO… Household waste management – Pay As you Throw

Sustainable School Food Programme … Food waste collection… Green waste collection and management… Save As you Throw piloting… Clean Future acceleration programmeto boost entrepreneurship… Zero km production … Circular procurements in the construction sector in Riga … Circular procurements in Malmö

Find the full report here

Submitted by Larissa Kiesel on 03/06/2024
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Larissa Kiesel

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