Uutes võrgustikes osalevad ka Eesti linnad

Edited on 05/06/2023

Action Planning Networks label COVER
URBACT Eesti tervitab uusi URBACT-IV programmi tegevusplaneerimise võrgustikke (Action Planning Networks). Eesti jaoks oli URBACT-IV esimene taotlusvoor edukas - uue vooru URBACT "linnad" on Tallinn, Tartu, Tartu vald, Pärnu ja uustulnuk Tori vald.
30 uue URBACT võrgustiku seas on Eesti KOVid esindatud 6-s ja teemad on väga põnevad.


 CAD (Tallinn) - Reinforcing the night time economy and governance as a basis for growth, sustainability and recovery.

 Beyond the urban (Tartu vald) - Designing sustainable mobility plans in functional urban areas with a focus on urban and rural areas.


 CSG (Tallinn) - Cities for Sustainability Governance: creating locally adapted governance processes and tools by using Sustainable Development Goals as a strategic vehicle


 EcoCore (Pärnu)- Green growth and transition in small cities along transport corridors notably in relation to the use of energy and transportation.


 Ecconnecting (Tori) - Developing proximity strategies for rural-urban functional areas by creating strong social links and the involvement of citizens.


 Remote-it (Tartu) - Setting up proactive policy-making related to the new culture of work - remote and hybrid.


Palju õnne ja head URBACTi teekonda!!!


Vt kõigi 30 võrgustiku kohta rohkem siit




Submitted by Annika Vaiko on 05/06/2023
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Annika Vaiko

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