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  • Tartu - Integrated Action Plan

    The main aim of Intergrated Action Plan (IAP) of Tartu is to provide guidelines for communication and engagement activities for e-engagement of key stakeholders on 3 priority focus topics presented in

  • Playing cards and drinking coffee…

    … sounds more like a calm weekend afternoon activity. But for CityMobilNet it actually meant intensive work to push forward our Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans to completion by engaging and

  • Attractiveness. City´s internationalisation pathway to smart growth

    How cities are marketed as business and innovation ecosystems? This was the main theme of the URBACT IN FOCUS Transnational Workshop held in Grenoble from February 7 to 9, 2018, where we had the

  • Transnational Meeting in the Kortrijk region: Conservation through development

    From the 12th to the 15th of February of 2018 the network INT-HERIT had a meeting in Belgium where the partners had the opportunity to work together and develop a new work methodology. Please keep

  • Palermo - Integrated Action Plan

    After decades of stillness, Palermo is a city undergoing massive changes thanks to new urban policies aimed at providing more efficient public services, especially in the field of urban mobility. This

  • Palermo - Integrated Action Plan

    After decades of stillness, Palermo is a city undergoing massive changes thanks to new urban policies aimed at providing more efficient public services, especially in the field of urban mobility. This


    Last transnational meeting of BoostINNO in Milan was focused on social impact. On 24th January roundtable on Impact finance for social innovation was organised with experts and representatives from

  • Paris-Semaest Integrated Action Plan

    SEMAEST is Paris Municipality’s semi-public operator in charge of commercial revitalization. This medium-size company (50 employees) manages 465 tenants and does its best to implant quality and