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  • Articles

    Damaged (by) goods? The case for sustainable urban freight logistics

    Viaggio tra le esperienze di riuso temporaneo realizzate a Ravenna, punto di partenza dell'azione di rigenerazione creativa del territorio al centro del network URBACT Creative Spirits
  • The CityMobilNet project

    Interview with Mr Olaf Lewald, project coordinator of CityMobilNet, Lead partner City of Bielefeld and Mr Gregor Moss, elected representative of the city council of Bielefeld, Lead partner City of

  • CHANGE! Social design of public services

    Our scope: people-powered public services
    Interview with Ms Yvonne Blankwater, Strategy Department, City of Eindhoven interviewed by Ferenc Szigeti-Borocz, lead expert of CHANGE! Project

    There is broad

  • The Vitalcities project will prove that there are new pathways to invite citizens

    “ The Vitalcities project will prove that there are new pathways to invite citizens to become physically active through turning public space into low threshold facilities”

    Interview with: Hugo Nunes

  • The Urban Green Labs project

    The Urban Green Labs project set up models on how empowered civil eco-conscious groups and top down interventions can mutually reinforce each other to make cities more resilient and healthy.

    By now it

  • RetaiLink: Ready for the learning and planning

    Ve výzvě pro příklady dobré praxe OP URBACT III bylo podáno 270 žádostí. Děkujeme všem městům z celé Evropské unie, která nám žádost poslala!
  • InteractiveCities: Social media for relational urban governance by the Interactive Cities Partnership

    With today's European cities hosting most of the continent’s population and urban areas being the stage for many of contemporary conflicts such as social inequality, environmental threats or economic

  • Opening the jewellery box in Sopron

    Interview with:  Edit Bognar, City Development Office of Sopron Municipality, Dr. Tamas Fodor, Mayor of Sopron and Emoke  Zacs, Grants Europe Kft in Budapest interviewed by Wessel Badenhorst Lead

  • TEchTown, interview with Tracey Johnson lead Partner

    Before I answer these questions, let's back track a bit as the local context is important. Barnsley is a medium sized city - at least by UK standards in the north of England. Historically it was a