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  • The importance of procurement to city economies

    This article explores why procurement is increasingly being seen as a way of addressing some of the economic, social and environmental issues facing our cities. It does this through reflecting on: the

  • Squatting for cultural use toward commons: The case of Rog factory in Ljubljana

    During their 100-150 years of history industrial (or in a broader sense, non-residential) buildings face many challenges. Not only technology may change but whole industries might become outdated and

  • Digital Uber Alles

    Hands up those of you who have used Uber. Or Airbnb? I thought so. Increasingly, if you ask that question to a group of people, a forest of hands shoots up. When I asked it at a German Marshall Fund e

  • The challenges of implementation

    “The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something.” All European cities can certainly endorse this quote by President Obama and testify that taking action – or implementing – presents a

  • Creating urban environments that inspire young people into ‘creative-tech’ careers

    Across the whole of Europe, the growing shortage of technical talent is starting to impact on urban economies. In this article, Jim Sims, the Lead Expert on the Urbact GEN-Y City Network, looks at

  • Circular economy: another buzzword or your city’s future?

    In times of decreasing resources and growing responsibilities, many cities and regions are understandably skeptical towards what seems to be yet another buzzword. However, a transition to a circular

  • Open for business? Europe’s cities and the skills challenge of the Next Economy

    Eight years after the advent of the Global Financial Crisis, much of Europe's economy continues to be sluggish, with uneven rates of jobs and business growth across the EU. There are, of course

  • Ready for the future? Urban resilience in practice

    Blog OP URBACT je otevřený příspěvkům od představitelů měst, akademiků, aktivistů na místní úrovni ze všech koutů Evropy (a světa), kteří by rádi sdíleli své praktiky, výzkumy a nadšení týkající se
  • Undertaking spend analysis and developing procurement strategy

    If cities are to progress the way in which they undertake procurement so that it brings more local economic, social and environmental benefits, they need to go through a number of steps. As part of