All URBACT articles

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  • Participative governance
    Urban planning

    The ‘Polish URBACT’ – the first national URBACT-style programme for cities!

    Polish National URBACT Point Aldo Vargas tells us about an exciting national exchange programme for cities inspired by URBACT.

  • NEW CITY HABITAT Conference in Krakow

    We were all supposed to meet in Krakow for the New City Habitat conference on 25th of September…but Covid-19 did now allow us to do so. Yet, our colleagues from the Polish city were not disheartened

  • «Οι Μικρές Ευρωπαϊκές πόλεις καταπολεμούν τη μακροχρόνια παρακμή τους»

    «Οι Μικρές Ευρωπαϊκές Πόλεις καταπολεμούν τη μακροχρόνια παρακμή τους» (Small Towns Fighting Long-Term Decline) είναι ο τίτλος του διαδικτυακού workshop που πραγματοποιήθηκε μέσω Zoom στις 7 Οκτωβρίου

  • Στη Γαλλία η Διαχειριστική Αρχή του URBACT IV

    Η Γαλλία θα συνεχίσει να διαχειρίζεται το πρόγραμμα URBACT την περίοδο 2021-2027.

  • Igra: rešitev za zdravje malih mest v času krize

    Situacija v zvezi s koronavirusom se ponovno zaostruje, URBACT mesta pa si prizadevajo spodbujati javno zdravje, dobro počutje in povezanost skupnosti.

  • Finding well-being in the forest

    According to research, spending time in nature can lead to significant health benefits. In Espoo, promoting well-being is now easier than before, thanks to the new Olari health nature trail in the

  • Esplugues de Llobregat publishes a guide to use games to raise environmental awareness

    The students from four high schools in Esplugues designed and created 19 games about nature and sustainability

  • Articles

    "The Playful Paradigm: a tool to re-think cities"

    On 8th October 2020 a "Play participatory lab" has been organized during the European Week of Regions and Cities to involve policymakers and urban practitioners for co-designing measures and sharing

  • Európai városfejlesztési jó gyakorlatok sikeres adaptációja

    Mit tanultunk, hogyan készüljünk a 2021-27-es időszakra?
    Online konferencia – Összefoglaló – 2020. november 4.