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  • Palermo - Integrated Action Plan

    After decades of stillness, Palermo is a city undergoing massive changes thanks to new urban policies aimed at providing more efficient public services, especially in the field of urban mobility. This

  • Palermo - Integrated Action Plan

    After decades of stillness, Palermo is a city undergoing massive changes thanks to new urban policies aimed at providing more efficient public services, especially in the field of urban mobility. This

  • Articles


    Last transnational meeting of BoostINNO in Milan was focused on social impact. On 24th January roundtable on Impact finance for social innovation was organised with experts and representatives from

  • Paris-Semaest Integrated Action Plan

    SEMAEST is Paris Municipality’s semi-public operator in charge of commercial revitalization. This medium-size company (50 employees) manages 465 tenants and does its best to implant quality and

  • Articles

    Urbact Interactive Cities Transnational Meeting Murcia – Part One

    The Murcia Team had the immense pleasure of hosting the previous to last partner meeting of the Urbact Interactive Cities Network in our city from the 24th until the 26th of January 2018, a vibrant

  • Articles

    How Glasgow is using URBinclusion to drive its Thriving Place, Govanhill

    By Marie McLelland - Glasgow Project Co-ordinator                

    URBinclusion is challenging Glasgow in a new way. It is giving us the space to explore how we implement existing plans and strategies

  • Articles

    Spaces for smart specialisation: spaces and places where smart specialisation takes shape

    The urban economy is changing, and so are the locational needs for companies and workers. How can cities cope with this? URBACT IN FOCUS partners reflected on the development of new workspaces and

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    Cities’ Challenges in Cultural Heritage Management

    Article by the network Lead Expert Pedro Soutinho.


    “A Historic Urban Landscape or HUL is an urban area understood  as  the  result  of  a  historic  layering  of  cultural  and  natural  values