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  • Articles

    Role-playing as a method for active participation in the URBACT KAIRÓS - Heritage as Urban Regeneration project by ad-hoc expert Mirna Karzen

    Can you have small scale actions before infrastructure developments and when to introduce them? Why include community in the urban planning processes – they are not experts, architects, urban planners

  • Articles

    Orașe mici care au supraviețuit Covid-19: „Fără comunicare frecventă ne-am fi simțit mai singuri”

    Implicarea părților interesate, cooperare intersectorială, planificare integrată – o rețetă URBACT pentru reziliență!

  • Articles

    A round-up of 2021; and looking ahead to 2022

    It’s that time of year again! The end of 2021 is nearly here and we will welcome in 2022.

    The end of the year, and beginning of a new one, is always a time for reflection (for what’s happened so far)

  • Articles

    Il futuro dell'Agenda Urbana per l'UE: una panoramica sui nuovi sviluppi promossi dall’Accordo di Lubiana

    Tutte le novità per le città introdotte dal nuovo Accordo di Lubiana approvato nell'ambito della Presidenza slovena dell'UE

  • Articles

    Bees are knocking at your door!

    Bees are knocking at your door!

  • Articles

    Mesta mestom: Umirjanje prometa v okolici šole

    Arhitekturne rešitve za previdnejše voznike in prijaznejši prostor za otroke

  • Articles

    Discover Senglea with a new smartphone app…and stay healthy!

    Like most of the walled cities in Malta, the best way to truly take in the charm and architectural splendour of Senglea and appreciate its stunning viewpoints of the Grand Harbour is on foot.

  • Meet the partners: interview with Harry Hofman

    [[{"fid":"46841","view_mode":"default","fields":{"alt":"Harry Hofman","title":"Harry Hofman","height":100,"width":100,"style":"height: 100px; width: 100px; margin: 10px; float: right;","class":"media

  • Articles

    Walk and Roll Cities: o transformare către străzi centrate pe oameni

    Faceți cunoștință cu orașele URBACT care explorează legăturile dintre mobilitate și spațiul public pentru a promova zone urbane durabile, incluzive și atractive.