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  • Veranstaltungsankündigung: Green Urban Actions: Wie trägt die Städtische Agenda für die EU zum grünen Transformationsprozess bei?

    Nehmen Sie an der Online-Konferenz am 22. Oktober 2020 von 9.45 bis 12.00 Uhr und von 13.45 bis 16.00 Uhr teil!

  • Será que precisamos de democracia participativa para salvar a democracia?

    Todos reconhecem hoje que as democracias em todo o mundo estão cada vez mais ameaçadas. O número de questões que têm de enfrentar - e às quais têm dificuldades em responder (justiça social

  • Reforçar os ecossistemas alimentares locais: uma receita para o sucesso?

    Descubra como as cidades URBACT estão a usar a alimentação sustentável e a agricultura urbana para lidar com uma série de desafios locais.

  • Save The Date...

    Do you want to know how public spend can help building stronger communities?

  • Mesta mestom: Sopotništvo v Kočevju

    Dostopnost do javnih storitev je ena od osnovnih človekovih pravic. A razpršena poselitev na podeželju in pomanjkanje kakovostne mreže javnega potniškega prometa pomenita, da so prizadeti predvsem

  • Become a virtual Groninger – play the game

    Partner city Groningen introduces online introduction game for international students

    Our partner cities all aim to attract international students and expats to their cities. In times of the COVID-19

  • First steps and projects of collaboration happening: Exhibition „Quarantine“ in Dubrovnik

    URBACT „Active NGOs“ project in Dubrovnik started with the idea of bettering the communication and collaboration between various public and civil actors that are engaged in public-civil partnerships

  • First steps and projects of collaboration happening: Exhibition „Quarantine“ in Dubrovnik

    URBACT „Active NGOs“ project in Dubrovnik started with the idea of bettering the communication and collaboration between various public and civil actors that are engaged in public-civil partnerships

  • Krakow analyzes sustainable tourism policy within its ULG

    On October 6 th, the ULG online meeting in Krakow gathered a large number of participants (52 people) to analyze and discuss the new strategic document of the city entitled "Krakow's sustainable