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    Innovative tech entrepreneurs across South Yorkshire are set to benefit from a £5.9m project to turbocharge the region’s business support and investment provision.

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    Barnsley's Digital Campus gets a new look and name

    A bold new visual identity and a clear sense of place and purpose has been launched for Barnsley’s digital campus.

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    Perspectives on resilience for cities: what next for innovation and collaboration in a time of COVID-19 and towards COP26?

    What powerful lessons can be learned from UK cities implementing innovative practice?

    How can cities build resilience in times of crisis when innovating with communities?

    How can cities link wider

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    Enakost spolov v osrčje grajenja boljšega jutri

    URBACT strokovnjakinja Sally Kneeshaw podaja svoja priporočila, kako umestiti enakost spolov v osrčje okrevanja mest po covidu-19.

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    Община Белене първа внедри водородно гориво за отопление на административна сграда

    В Деня на Земята - 22 април 2021 г. община Белене официално даде старт на мащабна програма за въвеждане на водородно гориво в отоплителните системи на публичните сгради.

  • Innovato-R - Transfer Story from Porto

    Porto, a Proud Partner of Innovato-R, where Everyone's an Innovator!

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    Отваряме пак след 16 века

    Епископската базилика в Пловдив отваря врати за посетители, като публичното-частно партньорство по нея може да служи за пример за други подобни проекти занапред

    Автор: Мила Чернева,


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    Transnational cooperation in a pandemic situation, the story of Active Citizens network

    The Covid-19 profoundly shook the world. No one was at rest. Everyone had to learn new ways of living, new ways of working, new ways of communicating, new ways of socializing. And obviously, European

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    Citizen participation? Hell no!

    Citizen participation? Hell no! is a card game composed of 42 cards which are 42 reasons, arguments, pretexts, etc. for NOT doing any citizen participation! We all know, indeed, that not everyone –