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    This is Europe logo

    ‘Feeding our future generations’ podcast

    Tune in for the third episode of Interreg’s ‘This is Europe’ podcast series, talking about ‘Feeding our future generations’!

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    Messina becoming a "garden city" - the ForestaME project

    Urban forestry is today at the top of the agendas of the great cities of the planet and Messina is a candidate to become one of the protagonist cities of a great campaign to reverse climate change in

  • Articles

    100 Climate-neutral Cities by 2030 – by and for the Citizens

    What are EU Missions?

    EU Missions are a new way to bring concrete solutions to some of our greatest challenges. They have ambitious goals and will deliver concrete results by 2030 .

    They will deliver

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    Missa inte dessa sessioner på årets European week 11 till 14 oktober

    I år går den 19:e European week, för regioner och städer, av stapeln. Det blir i år online från 11 till 14 oktober 2021.

    Under veckan kommer URBACT -talare att presentera sina erfarenheter och kunskap

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    Látogatások a CO4CITIES partnervárosainál: betekintés az transzfer tervbe

    2021 júniusától Polyák Levente, a CO4CITIES vezető szakértője a Transzferhálózatban részt vevő valamennyi várost meglátogatta a helyi érdekeltek aktív közreműködésével, hogy megvitassák a transzfer

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    Σύμφωνο των Δημάρχων για το Κλίμα και την Ενέργεια

    Κάντε τώρα την εγγραφή σας: ελάτε να γιορτάσουμε τη δέσμευση των πόλεων για να επιτύχουν την ουδετερότητα άνθρακα

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    Writing a New Story: Using Heritage-Based Urban Regeneration to Stimulate Urban Resilience by ad-hoc expert Matthias Ripp

    Our ad-hoc expert Matthias Ripp, explored in a detailed report how heritage-based urban regeneration can be used as a resource to stimulate urban resilience. He refers to various European projects

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    Bragança. Freedom to Start Over

    The “Find Your Greatness” program addresses the challenges highlighted by Alba Iulia (Romania), the leading city of this program, that includes seven more cities from the European Union: Bragança

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    Territoires en commun, la plateforme des coopérations et de l’engagement citoyen.

    Pour aider les collectivités française à construire l’action publique locale avec et par les citoyens, l’Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires (ANCT) lance une nouvelle plateforme numérique