05/06/2019 08/08/2022
The 8 partner cities and organisations involved in the Urban Energy Pact project embrace the ambitious goal of becoming net zero energy (NZE) territories no later than 2050. Urb-En Pact aims to define local action plans for the implementation of a local and sustainable energy balance by producing and delivering renewable and regulated sources of energy. Urb-En Pact will unite all of the stakeholders of this circular economy, especially the consumers included in this energy loop, in and around the metropolitan area.

Lead Partner : Clermont Auvergne Métropole - France- Bialystok Functional Area - Poland
- CIM Alto Minho - Portugal
- Ecofellows - Tampere - Finland
- Elefsina - Greece
- Galati - Romania
- Rouen Normandie Metropolis - France
- Palma di Montechiaro - Italy
Clermont Auvergne Métropole - 64-66 avenue de l'Union Soviétique BP 231 63007 CLERMONT-FERRAND Cedex 1 - FRANCE
Watch all the Urb-En Pact video stories here.
- Kick-off Meeting
- 1st Transnational Meeting in Bialystok Functional Area
- Phase 2 Digital Kick-Off Meeting
- Digital Transnational Meeting - Best Practises
- Digital Transnational Meeting - Political Vision & Citizens Inclusion (Rouen)
- Digital Transnational Meeting - Inclusion of companies (Elefsina)
- Digital Transnational Meeting - Science & Innovation (Clermont Auvergne Métropole)
- Digital Transnational Meeting - Major Infrastructure & Integrated Policies (Tampere)
- Digital Transnational Meeting - Midterm Reflexions
- COP 26 Network Meeting
- Digital Transnational Meeting - IAPs Peer Reviews (CIM Alto Minho)
- Transnational Meeting in Grenoble, France - IAPs Restitution
- Transnational Meeting in Brussels, Belgium - Finance & Dissemination Event
On the road to COP26(PDF, 340Ko)