Active Travel Network

19/09/2022 19/09/2022


The basic goal of the project is to set up a network of international partners to encourage Active Travel in cities as appropriate means of transport for short trips to tackle environmental problems.


PARTNERS : Weiz - Austria
  • Skanderborg - Denmark
  • Norderstedt - Germany
  • Novara - Italy
  • Graz - Austria
  • Ljutomer - Slovenia
  • Serres - Greece


The project aims to tackle transport problems caused by solo car use in small/medium sized cities by motivating walking/cycling (NMT). In view of the economic crisis and steadily increasing oil prices NMT is a sensible alternative to using cars for short trips in cities. Furthermore, the project contributes to reducing fossil energy and CO2. Professional awareness campaigns for decision makers, stakeholders and sitizens are to be worked out and put into practice in the porject period. Increasing NMT for short trips in cities should also lead to better health of people. The local economy especially shops in city centres can benefit from a higher frequency of pedestrians and people going by bike.


To ensure an effictive impact of network activities on local policies, each partner is obliged to set up an URBACT local Support Group (ULSG). These groups will involve the key stakeholders concerned and act as a steering committee for the action plan in the sexond phase of the project.


Project launch

Project completed


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