Podcast series: Talks with change agents

Edited on 21/05/2024

The “Talks with Change Agents”-podcast gives you an insight in the developments of the Agents of Co-Existence Network, which aims to improve citizen participation. 

In this first episode your podcast host, Anja van Hout, talks to a true change agent: Lene Hartig Danielsen. She is Head of Citizens' Services in the City of Aarhus (Denmark), one of the partners in the Network.

Anja and Lene talk about why Aarhus is participating in the Network, their previous experiences and the importance of citizen participation for policy-making. Her advice to civil servants when working with citizens is: “bigger ears and less mouth, create mutual trust and be humble!"

Really worth listening, so join us here and enjoy the podcast!

Submitted by AnjaH26 on 21/05/2024
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