• ACTive NGOs

    Lead Partner : Riga - Latvia
    • Brighton & Hove
    • Dubrovnik - Croatia
    • Espoo - Finland
    • Santa Pola - Spain
    • Syracuse - Italy

    Riga NGO House


    Final product


    Kick-off meeting in Riga (LV)

    Transnational seminars in Santa Pola (ES), Dubrovnik (HR), Syracuse (IT)

    Transnational seminar in Espoo (FI)

    Final event in Brighton (UK)

    This Transfer network learned from the good practice of the Riga NGO House, which was opened in 2013, in line with the wishes of residents and civil society actors, to support NGOs and to increase citizen awareness of local affairs and participation in municipality-related activities. Set in a refurbished school building, the NGO House offers resources for NGO capacity building, exchange of information, experience and best practices, networking and leadership training. It promotes society integration, active social inclusion and citizen's participation.


    Wings to empower citizens
    Ref nid
  • Volunteering Cities

    LEAD PARTNER : Athienou - Cyprus
    • Altea - Spain
    • Altena - Germany
    • Arcos de Valdevez - Portugal
    • Athy - Ireland
    • Capizzi - Italy
    • Pregrada - Croatia
    • Radlin - Poland



    Municipality of Athienou - 2, Archbishop Makarios III Ave - 7600 Athienou Cyprus


    Watch all the Volunteering Cities videos here.


    Kick-off meeting (May), Transnational Meeting (August), End of Phase 1, Beginning of Phase 2

    Transnational Meetings (February, March, June, October, December)

    Capacity Building, Workshops

    Transnational Meetings (February, March), Final Conference, URBACT City Festival

    Learning Logs

    This Transfer network makes use of Volunteerism to approach social exclusion and poverty at the community level. Focus is given to an inter-generational collaboration where different age groups of both volunteers and individuals facing social problems work towards a sustainable evolution of the quality of life within local society. The network aims at structuring the volunteering activity giving validity to a bottom up approach, where volunteers can decide and implement actions.

    Volunteers connect cities, from compassion to action
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  • Volunteering Cities +

    LEAD PARTNER : Athienou - Cyprus
    • Agia - Greece
    • Aljustrel - Portugal
    • Banská Štiavnica - Slovakia
    • Viļāni - Latvia


    Municipality of Athienou - 2, Archbishop Makarios III Ave - 7600 Athienou Cyprus



    Kick-off meeting (September), Transnational Meeting (November)

    Transnational Meetings (April, June, September), Final Event (December)

    The transfer network makes use of Volunteerism to approach social exclusion and poverty at the community level. Focus is given to an inter-generational collaboration where different age groups of both volunteers and individuals facing social problems work towards a sustainable evolution of the quality of life within local society. The network aims at structuring the volunteering activity giving validity to a bottom up approach, where volunteers can decide and implement actions.

    Volunteers connect cities, from compassion to action
    Ref nid
  • Re-growCity

    Lead Partner : Altena - Germany
    • Aluksne - Latvia
    • Idrija - Slovenia
    • Igoumenitsa - Greece
    • Isernia - Italy
    • Manresa - Spain
    • Melgaço - Portugal
    • Nyírbátor - Hungary


    Kick-off meeting

    Re-growCity Transfer network focuses on the development of interventions that built on local capabilities to arrest and reverse long term social, economic and environmental decline. Altena has a track record of recognised good practices that facilitate the development of sustainable initiatives with a minimum of external resource input. This network will support partners to revitalise public services and the economy, regenerate the urban fabric and develop civil society in a context of long term decline.


    Tackling long term decline in smaller cities
    Ref nid