• URBACT-Netzwerk „One Health 4 Cities“ - Städte in Aktion für die Gesundheit von Mensch, Tier und Umwelt

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    Gruppenfotos des URBACT-Netzwerks ONCE vor einem Schild "Lahti"

    Mitte Februar 2024 traf sich das One-Health-4-Cities-Netzwerk in Lahti, Finnland. Die neun beteiligten Kommunen haben lokale Roadmaps für die kommenden zwei Jahre erarbeitet und städtische Planungstools unter die Lupe genommen. Ebenso stand auf dem Programm ein wissenschaftlicher Input zu Studien und Forschungsprojekten zu den Themen „Planetary Health“ und „One Health“. Um neben Theorie und Planung auch die praktische Anwendung nicht zu kurz kommen zu lassen, tauchten die Teilnehmer:innen mit allen Sinnen in den „Gesundheitswald“ von Lahti ein.


    Gruppenfoto des URBACT-Netzwerks One-Health-4-Cities-Netzwerk 

    From urbact

    Das Gesundheitsreferat der Landeshauptstadt München beteiligt sich von Juni 2023 bis Dezember 2025 am URBACT-Städtenetzwerk „One Health 4 Cities“. Ziel der Partnerstädte aus Deutschland, Finnland, Frankreich, Griechenland, Portugal, Rumänien und Spanien ist es, den One-Health-Ansatz, der die Gesundheit von Menschen, Tieren und der Umwelt gemeinsam betrachtet, in städtische Strategien und Projekte umzusetzen. Der One-Health-Ansatz verbindet und integriert verschiedene Sektoren, Disziplinen und Akteure auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen der Gesellschaft, um gemeinsam Bedrohungen für Gesundheit und Ökosysteme zu bekämpfen und einen Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung zu leisten. Der „Planetary Health“-Ansatz konzentriert sich mehr auf die Umwelt, insbesondere den Klimawandel und die menschliche Gesundheit, sowie auf die sozialen Faktoren der menschlichen Gesundheit.

    Aktualisierung der Leitlinie Gesundheit in München

    ONCE Netzwerktreffen
    Kleingruppe beim Workshop in Lahti © Marlène Dussauge

    Im Rahmen des Projekts wird in München die örtliche Fachleitlinie Gesundheit unter dem Gesichtspunkt des One-Health-Ansatzes aktualisiert. Die Leitlinie Gesundheit ist Teil des Stadtentwicklungskonzepts „Perspektive München“, das seit 1998 kontinuierlich fortgeschrieben wird und sich zu den UN-Nachhaltigkeitszielen bekennt. Durch die Aktualisierung der Leitlinie Gesundheit reagiert die Stadt auf die aktuellen Herausforderungen der letzten Jahre, insbesondere im Kontext der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Bevölkerung in einer wachsenden Metropole. Der integrierte Ansatz fokussiert Handlungsbedarfe und versucht, strukturelle Lösungen an der Schnittstelle von Gesundheit und Umwelt zu geben. Konkret sichtbar werden die Ziele an Leitprojekten, die mit einem Multi-Stakeholder-Ansatz entwickelt und umgesetzt werden. Mit München arbeiten zwei weitere Städte, Lyon und Lahti, an integrierten Ansätzen mit strategischem Fokus. Die Städte bilden eine von drei Cluster-Gruppen des Projekts.

    Mitte Februar 2024 trafen sich die Netzwerkpartner:innen zum zweiten „Core Meeting“ in Lahti.

    Ziele des Meetings waren:

    mehr über die Entwicklung einer integrierten One-Health-Strategie zu lernen, 

    mehr über die Strategie "Nature step to Health" von Lahti und ihrer Vorbildprojekte zu erfahren,

    relevante Instrumente und Methoden der Gesundheitsstadtplanung kennenzulernen.


    Lernen von Lahti: Gesundheits- und Umweltziele kombinieren

    Am ersten Tag präsentierte das Team aus Lahti den Teilnehmer:innen die Strategie "Nature Step to Health". Im Jahr 2022 starteten die Region Päijät-Häme, die Stadt Lahti und der Campus der Universität Lahti gemeinsam dieses zehnjährige Programm, das darauf abzielt, die Gesundheits- und Umweltziele der Region zu kombinieren. Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden werden umfassend gefördert, indem die Zusammenhänge zwischen Menschen und Natur thematisiert werden. Die Teilnehmer:innen besuchten Projekte wie den Outdoor-Kindergarten und den lokalen „Gesundheitswald“. Der „Gesundheitswald“ wurde im Rahmen des vom Horizon-Europe-Programm finanzierten GoGreenRoutes-Projekts entwickelt. Er soll dazu beitragen, ein positives Verhältnis zwischen Mensch und Natur zu fördern, und die Verbundenheit der Bürger:innen mit der Natur zu stärken. Es geht darum, dass Menschen die umgebende Natur bewusst wahrnehmen, was beispielsweise durch Sinnesübungen entlang der Strecke erleichtert wird.

    Austausch und Konferenzteilnahme

    Gruppenarbeit beim Netzwerktreffen in Lahti © Sofia Aivalioto

    Am zweiten Tag konzentrierte das Netzwerk sich auf die Entwicklung lokaler Roadmaps, um die Zusammenarbeit mit den lokalen URBACT-Gruppen und die Erarbeitung der integrierten Handlungskonzepte für die drei Clustergruppen zu erleichtern. Dabei unterstützen die Partner sich gegenseitig, inklusive gegenseitigem Feedback, Unterstützung und Anregungen. Am Ende des Tages standen die kommenden Treffen mit Datum, Themen und Zielen fest. Am dritten Tag standen Stadtplanungstools auf dem Programm. Die Lead-Expertin des Projektes, Sofia Aivalioti, stellte Planungstools für gesunde Städte vor und zeigte Anwendungen und Operationalisierungen auf. Das Kerntreffen fand zeitgleich mit der von der University von Helsinki organisierten Konferenz „People & Planet: From Theory to Solutions“ statt. Die Projektpartner:innen hatten die Möglichkeit, an Sessions der Konferenz teilzunehmen und sich ein Bild der Forschungs- und Studienlage unter anderem in Finnland zu machen.

    “Planetary Health” und “One Health” politisch stärker vorantreiben

    Menschen mit Wollsocken im Schnee.
    Gehen im Schnee mit Wollsocken im "Gesundheitswald" © Sofia Aivalioto

    Die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse des Netzwerktreffens waren, dass Planetary Health und One Health mit starkem politischem Engagement angegangen werden müssen. 80 Prozent der nichtübertragbaren Krankheiten könnten durch verbesserte Umweltbedingungen verhindert werden, wie Matilda van den Bosch und das Projekt GOGREENROUTES ausführten. Es gebe zahlreiche Beweise dafür, dass die Natur positive Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit hat. Jetzt sei es an der Zeit, Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. Der Verlust der Natur findet außerhalb und innerhalb des menschlichen Körpers statt: Das lässt sich an Forschungen zum Mikrobiom feststellen. Der menschliche Körper und die natürliche Artenvielfalt und ihre Verflechtungen seien, so Professor Tari Haahtela, sehr wichtige Determinanten unserer Gesundheit und brächten ein nachhaltiges Gleichgewicht für die Gesundheit von Menschen, Tieren und ihrer Umwelt. Sicherheitsbedenken können den Menschen in Innenräume treiben. Eine übermäßige Sterilisation von Innenräumen kann die Gesundheit allerdings beeinträchtigen, weil sie die Exposition gegenüber natürlichen Elementen einschränkt und möglicherweise zu Problemen mit dem Immunsystem beiträgt. Sichere Innenräume seien auf Dauer nicht gesund, so Haahtelas Apell. 

    Das One Health-4-Cities-Netzwerk tauchte nicht nur ins Wissen um gesund machende Umwelt ein, sondern lebte Naturexposition auch in der Praxis: Das Team stellte beim Besuch des „Gesundheitswalds“ fest, dass das Gehen im Schnee mit Wollsocken wärmer und bequemer ist als mit Schuhen! 

    Artikel von Antje Kohlrusch, Gesundheitsplanung, Strategie und Grundsatz, Landeshauptstadt München

  • Harald Wouters

    Harald Wouters MSc is an experienced Strategic Advisor on the impact of digital technology on our society and economy. Harald graduated with honours (cum laude) from Utrecht University in Human Geography and succesfully completed Digital Disruption Strategies from Cambridge Judge Business School. Harald Wouters is the founder of WHY Consulting, an agency specialised in digital transformation of the urban sphere. His agency helps public and private actors in their collaborative innovation, digitalisation, as well as sustainability strategies. Currently, Harald is working as an Innovation Broker for the EDIH Dutch Societal Innovation Hub (DSIH), in addition to being an Expert at URBACT and a Project Partner for Interreg North Sea. Previously, Harald has worked as a Digital Transition Expert for the European Commission's Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) initiative. For the Digital Agenda of DIGITALEUROPE, Harald reported on labour mobility of IT workers in the EU. He organised the Week of Innovative Regions in Europe (WIRE) 2016 conference for the commission's DG RTD. Harald co-authored the NL Smart City Strategy, the international Smart City proposition of the Dutch high-tech industry and the granted Dutch public sector application for a European Digital Innovation Hub. 

    Available for Ad-hoc expertise missions

    Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


    1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities


    2. Thematic expertise:
    [Digital transformation]


    3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
    > Integrated and participatory design of strategies
    > Securing funding and resourcing


  • Louis Meuleman

    Available for Ad-hoc expertise missions

    Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


    1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities


    2. Thematic expertise:
    [Participative governance]


    3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
    > Integrated and participatory design of strategies

  • Sally Kneeshaw

    For over 30 years I have been working as an urban practitioner, policy maker and facilitator at EU and local level.

    I am fortunate to have worked directly with URBACT for 14 years now. I started out as Lead Expert of the Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe network, and from 2013 to 2023 have been Programme Expert. Over this period I have supported all three programme strands of transnational exchange and learning, capacity building and knowledge capitalisation. I have been in the design team of all URBACT Universities and City Festivals. As a member of the Capacity Building Task Force, I developed Guidance for Action Planning, supported studies on the integrated approach, pilot actions and co-produced new online training modules on Gender Responsive Public Procurement (GRPP). I led the Gender Equal Cities Knowledge Hub initiative, producing the first report and disseminating its powerful ideas across many platforms such as UN Habitat.

    At EU level I am also an Expert for European Urban Initiative Capacity Building team conducting Peer Reviews. I have been the moderator for two editions of the European Commission Cities Forum.

    I keep my feet on the ground working at local level in London on strategy design and project delivery. I managed the development of the London Borough of Lambeth Creative and Digital Industries Strategy, which incorporated review of workspace, cluster effects, activation of the public realm and strong focus on diversity and inclusion. I was expert for the Mayor of London’s Social Integration and Regeneration Lab and Network- a network of boroughs each with a specific place-based project to create buildings/ high streets/ open spaces that connect communities. I currently work with a multi-agency coalition to embed inclusion in the Life Sciences sector.

    I have a strong belief in and commitment to the URBACT approach, having witnessed its positive impact. The URBACT method helps cities to develop better integrated policy, to channel resources towards well-conceived, evidence based and needs-led initiatives. The transnational exchange serves to connect people, ideas and knowledge in our common mission to drive sustainability at local level.

    I look forward to supporting more city change-makers across the EU, in order to address the multiple challenges we face. Feel free to get in touch to explore new collaborations!

    Sally Kneeshaw portrait
    Available for Lead Expert role and Ad-hoc expertise missions

    Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


    1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities


    2. Thematic expertise:
    [Culture, Equality-Diversity-Inclusion, Knowledge economy, Local economy, Urban design]


    3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
    > Integrated and participatory design of strategies
    > Sustaining stakeholder engagement and translating strategies into actions


  • Dr Stavros K. Parlalis

    I am social worker, having obtained a first degree in Social Work, Masters in Policy Studies and PhD in Social Work. I have >15 years of professional experience in the area of social work, working with people with disabilities and other groups of vulnerable people (e.g. migrants, refugees, homeliness), environmental and entrepreneurial projects with social impact, enabling the empowerment of local communities. I have experience in the position of Project Manager gained in several funded European (Erasmus+, LIFE, etc.) with proven experience in project and policy design, planning, management and monitoring.
    In addition, I have experience in a) organising, leading and motivating colleagues and external partners for cooperating in joint projects, b) facilitating training workshops for various interested groups (e.g. social workers, minor offenders, journalists, unemployed persons), c) cooperating with various stakeholders (e.g. Local Authorities, NGOs, Cooperatives), d) being able to build networks with many different parties (e.g. Public Bodies, Research Centres, Consulting Agencies) and e) designing tailored-made training for NGOs and Local Authorities.
    Thematic specialization in projects in the field of social sciences, social work, social care, disability, entrepreneurial and environmental projects.

    Available for Ad-hoc expertise missions

    Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


    Thematic expertise:
    > Equality, diversity and inclusion



  • Dr. Stephan Treuke

    Since 2020, I am working at Emschergenossenschaft and Lippeverband, Germany's largest water board, as Project Director of Emscherland, of the International Garden Exposition 2027 and of Emscher 2020. Professional experiences range from integral project coordination to the development of climate change adaptation strategies, the designing of public participation processes and the organization of (international) events. 

    I am specialised in working on large scale green infrastructure programs, regional master planning and climate change adaptation in the city. As a lecturer at the Department of Spatial Planning, Technical University of Dortmund and at the Department of Geosciences, Ruhr University Bochum, I enjoy teaching a new generation of (international) city planners the possibilities of large scale green megaprojects. I further work as a counselor for international cooperations in both European and non-European countries with the focus on integral water management solutions and on transformative governance within public administration.

    I hold a Master's Degree in Geography, French, Spanish and Portuguese and a PhD in Social Science. With more than 9 years experience in teaching at the university, I have a proven track record in research and development related to social inequalities, urban planning, strategic masterplan designing, public space and landscape creation across Germany and abroad.

    My mission is to engage in a deeper dialogue with highly engaged program partners from different regions and countries in Europe in order to discuss sustainable solutions to city planning under the scope of climate change. I am fully devoted to capacity building and I love to bring together different cultures, perspectives and planning approaches within the overall process of project management.  


    Available for Ad-hoc expertise missions

    Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


    1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities


    2. Thematic expertise:
    > Climate adaptation



  • Ioannis Koliousis

    Available for Lead Expert role and Ad-hoc expertise missions

    Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


    1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities


    2. Thematic expertise:
    > Mobility


    3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:

    >Monitoring and evaluation for effective implementation

  • Aidan Cerar

    Aidan is very well experienced in participation process design, management and implementation.

    Aidan has often applied participation methods to different contexts, from on street placemaking to design of the strategic documents. Most of his activities in terms of participation were related to mobility – diminishing the place for cars and supplying people with more places they can use, identify with and cocreate.

    Aidan was involved in preparation of placemaking mechanism Zunaj, established in the City of Ljubljana: https://ipop.si/en/2020/03/13/zunaj-are-small-local-actions/

    Aidan was in charge of the design and implementation of participation process for the design of Sustainable urban mobility plan of the City of Ljubljana.

    Available for Ad-hoc expertise missions

    Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


    1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities


    2. Thematic expertise:
    [Participative governance, Urban design]


    3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
    > Integrated and participatory design of strategies
    > Sustaining stakeholder engagement and translating strategies into actions"

  • Laura P. Spinadel

    Laura P. Spinadel (1958 Buenos Aires) is an Argentine-Austrian architect, urban planner, writer, educator, and principal of BUSarchitektur and BOA office for advanced randomness in Vienna. Her approach is holistic, aimed at solving complex problems in an architectural context that combines technology, art, sociology, and psychology, among others. She has made an international name for herself with the works Compact City and Campus WU, both considered pioneers of the holistic architecture ideology.

    For the development of the master plan of the WU the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration campus, Laura P. Spinadel took on a total of eight roles, whereby she realized that the most important role in the success story of this project was probably that of the networker: only with the right alliances can the consensus be reached that is necessary to achieve urban miracles. This is also how the idea for the URBAN MENUS** methodology and software was born, an Interactive Society Game to create our cities in 3D using a consensual approach.

    ** Granting Promotion XL Innovation AWS austrian economy services of the Creative Industries (2017) & Impact Innovation funding Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG (2020) & aws technology internationalization support for URBAN MENUS India market study for a Smart Area Development solution (2021-2023). ERASMUS partnerships VET multisectoral training Making Cities fit for the Green Deal (2022-23) FFG Research Holistic Approach to Database and Impact Analysis for complex systems (2022-2024). ERASMUS partnerships URBAN MENUS Dialogue in a Resilient Future (2023-2026). TECXPORT Circularity Optimizer China (2024-2027).

    Multisectoral Approach  Masterplan Campus WU

       Inclusive Strategies Methodology & Strategy

       University as Driver IndiaConsensus building

      Capacity Building Buenos Aires   Voices about URBAN MENUS

    Main awards and milestones:
    Calliope Join the Dots: Selected Incredible Woman in Society and Culture - Women's Museum Hittisau 2024
    Best Practice for Acceleration of Resilience URBAN MENUS Smart City Dialogue 2023
    Expert of the European Union in Urban Planning & Resilience & Digital Participation 2023
    Award Top 3 female Innovation Minerva Award 2021
    Award Top 3 female entrepreneurs Award 21 at the topic Innovation 2021
    Architecture Award City of Vienna 2015
    International CICA Award Urban Planning 2015
    Award International Architecture Biennial Buenos Aires BA15 2015
    Golden Ring of Honor from the Business and Economics University Vienna - 2014

    Laura P. Spinadel by MM
    Available for Lead Expert role and Ad-hoc expertise missions

    Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


    1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities


    2. Thematic expertise:
    > Digital transformation


    3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
    > Integrated and participatory design of strategies

  • Igor Kos

    I want to share my experience in circular economy development on local and regional level. EU has chosen with EU Green deal transition towards Circular economy as one of key development for future Europe and since this is not yet on level of development needed for systemic change to become day to day practice I want to help all those local and regional authorities and stakeholders to get on this path. They do not have to make all 'learning by doing it' experience as I did and with my help they could manage faster development of circular economy models for governence and for local businesses.
    Thru my work on EU level, regional and local level, presentations on conferences and implementation of EU funded projects in different programs I can offer range of experience for Urbact networks.

    I am active as European Climate Pact Ambassador and in CCRI pilot region Podravje.

    Available for Ad-hoc expertise missions

    Expert can perform Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:


    2. Thematic expertise:
    > Circular economy