POINT (-8.653754 40.640506)

    Aveiro (Portugal) is considered as a digital cluster and a territory of innovation, but while the city prepared for a new technological revolution with the adoption of a 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure to greatly improve the local innovation ecosystem, it also faced severe hurdles related to a shortage of digital skills.


    The challenge was not about how to create more jobs, but how to improve the added value and social and economic wealth produced by the jobs created. The AVEIRO STEAM City project aimed to help companies rethink the resources they needed to innovate, and to establish the means to attract a new range of talent – including artistic, creative and human sciences areas – to the new digital opportunities in a STEAM approach (adding the “A” for Arts and creativity to the domains of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).


    At the same time, the project team developed a first-mover strategy towards a radically new technological infrastructure – Aveiro Tech City Living Lab. This innovative approach, integrating STEAM education with Tech Labs into a new urban concept, had not yet been tested anywhere. Aveiro therefore became a trial city for advanced communications, valorising the full range of talents, RD&I, open data and development of new products and services, for the growth of companies and the creation of new jobs.


    What SOLUTIONS did the Urban Innovative Action project offer?


    The AVEIRO STEAM City project addressed the city of Aveiro's capacity to attract and retain talent for its economy to grow, by structuring a set of innovative activities and projects through 4 main axes under the name “Aveiro Tech City”: 


    1. Education (Students): Tech Labs at schools for all levels of teaching; UBBU (code literacy platform); Live Science School; STEAM Artistic Residences. 

    1. Training (career reshaping for adults): Tech City Bootcamp; Criatech Artistic Residences; MTF Labs (arts + tech); Labour Observatory. 

    1. Technology, Services and Applications: Aveiro Tech City Living Lab / Testbed; Digital Urban Platform; Innovative Use Cases on mobility, environment and energy. 

    1. Challenges to the community: Innovation Challenges (5G and urban implementations) for startups and R&D centres; Participatory Budget; Aveiro Tech Week. 


    A new governance model was developed, allowing Aveiro Tech City Initiative to have more than 14 public and private entities after 3 years of implementation of the project.

    What DIFFERENCE has it made at local level?

    For the Education axis, the teachers and students involved increased their STEAM and digital skills by 82%. This result was based on (all) 42 schools being equipped with Tech Labs; + 500 teachers with training; + 200 exercises and + 2 300 hours in the classroom and + 22 600 students involved.


    The Training Axis involved 3 bootcamps, with 59 trainees completing from a total of 450 candidates and achieved 75% integration in the local job market.


    On the Technology axis, the Aveiro Tech City Living Lab laid down 16 km of fibre optic network to connect 44 communication points with sensing and data computing. More than 40 companies and R&D centres developed projects in the Living Lab allowing them to achieve a higher Technology Readiness Level of maturity.


    As for the Challenges axis, this involved more than 10 stakeholders mentoring 40 startups, SMEs and R&D centres that applied from more than 200 applications from 26 different countries.


    What PARTICIPATORY APPROACHES have been put in place for the project?


    The main participatory approaches implemented in the project were: 


    - Innovation Challenges for startups and R&D centres – Bringing experience and real use cases from stakeholders and municipal services (mentors), to able entrepreneurs and the startups community to connect with real world scenarios. 


    - Participatory Budget - By co-financing small projects submitted by local citizens, who actively participate in their implementation, to empower citizen engagement and co-creative processes. In the last 3 years, AVEIRO STEAM City launched 2 editions and 17 projects, selected among 40 applications and voted for by 638 citizens. 


    - Aveiro Tech Week - A week in October dedicated to technology, art and culture, during which the city hosts a wide range of conferences, exhibitions, live innovation demos, educational laboratories, hackathons and other experiences and performances. This event reinforces the municipality’s capacity to attract researchers, technological and creative industries, with more than 3 500 on-site participants in the Tech sessions and more than 25 000 visitors. 


    - On the governance model of Aveiro Tech City, where the 14 members from public and private areas actively cooperate to develop shared activities and funding, to ensure long-term sustainability of the initiative and talent retention in the territory. In 2020 it won an “Innovation in Community Engagement Award" from the University of Harvard.

    How does the project tackle different aspects with an INTEGRATED APPROACH?


    The AVEIRO STEAM City project addressed economic, social and environmental aspects in an integrated approach through the 4 axis of the Aveiro Tech City Initiative.  


    On the economic front, the project led to a strong governance model that supports long-term partnership between the major players of the local tech ecosystem in several Industry areas: Paper and Forest, Telecom, Manufacturing, Tourism, Construction material, to name a few. It also supported the development and testing of innovative and disruptive projects in real context, minimising the “death valley” of startups. It also involved major education stakeholders, like the University of Aveiro, to address the methodology for sustainable job retention through training. 


    On the social front, the project team implemented life-changing opportunities for people with low job prospects by allowing them to enrol in tech skills training for rapid re-entry into the jobs market. Also, by focusing on methodologies of STEAM Education in schools, the project was able to contribute to a more knowledge-based society, able to adapt and easily respond to challenges. In the arts arena, the project created intense interaction dynamics, enabling artists in a local context to evolve their skills by mixing arts and technology. 


    Finally, on the environmental front, the project team implemented a comprehensive IoT network of mobility and environmental sensors in the city, and aggregated and shared this data through the Urban Platform.

    Why should other European cities use the solution the project explored?


    Cities will find in Aveiro a living laboratory in STEAM Education open to international cooperation. Aveiro is actively involved in the development of a European Network of STEAM Education and is already conducting knowledge-sharing activities with other European cities. 


    The Aveiro Tech City Living Lab has proven to be an innovative infrastructure capable of attracting startups and R&D Centres internationally. Steps are being taken with living lab partners to create a “Technological Free Zone” where national or international startups come to test their products in areas like telecommunications or autonomous mobility. Aveiro Tech City provides a long-term strategic vision by involving different players of society, from public, institutions, academia, industry, scholar community to citizens, to use technology and the city as a living lab in preparation for the digital world. The project team are ready to share their vision, action plan, challenges and opportunities with other European cities. 


    Carla Semedo
    Municipality of Aveiro
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    Upgrading STEAM Skills and Increasing Jobs Added-Value through Digital Transformation
  • 10 times URBACT has taken the leap towards digital

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    10 times has led digital transition - COVER

    Throughout the years, URBACT has led the way to a just digital transition. The experience from cities bears witness of change.

    From urbact

    Among its core objectives, the EU cohesion policy has set as a first priority to create a more competitive and smarter Europe. But what does it mean to take the leap towards the digital transition? Read on to get a glimpse of how URBACT cities have faced today's challenges using tech solutions and ideas.




    Piraeus (EL)

    Blue Growth Entrepreneurship Competition 


    As part of its efforts to create new jobs and innovation opportunities within the local economy, Piraeus launched its blue growth entrepreneurship competition, which is recognised as an URBACT Good Practice. As a coastal city, with a strong maritime industry, it’s in the best interest of the city and its citizens to explore and take a dive into the blue economy. At the core of its practices it’s a contest, where business plans are prepared and submitted by aspiring entrepreneurs and then compared and judged against a set of predetermined criteria. The aim is to get potential entrepreneurs to explore new opportunities and set up growth opportunities within the digital economy.


    One past winner is the Ferryhopper – an online ferry-ticketing marketplace that helps consumers with access to multi-trip tickets, which are sold by a whole range of different transport operators. This competition is an interesting example of how to intersectional priorities, with tech and digital opportunities in mind, can offer a huge potential. Piraeu’s experience has led the city to become Lead Partner in two Transfer Networks: BluAct (2018 - 2021) and BluAct Second Wave (2021 - 2023). The results have been outstanding and this Good Practice has become a source of inspiration beyond the EU. Most recently, the United Nations Development Programme has taken interest in it and the BluAct team has presented its work to citymakers in different countries.


    Promotional video for the competition led by Mataro (ES), Project Partner of the BluAct Transfer Network


    Jelgava (LV)

    Supporting environmental data


    As a Project Partner of the IoTxChange Action Planning Network (2019 – 2022), which was led by Fundão (PT), the city of Jelgava uses Internet of Things sensor technology since July 2021 to measure local meteo and environmental data. The municipality has seized the testing activities budget to use IoT as a policy instrument for the city change, with an overall goal to support farmers, other stakeholders and, more broadly, the civil society. As a pilot, Jelgava installed four stations with IoT connections in the downtown and farmers’ premises. Different type of data is collected – air temperature, soil humidity, rainfall, wind speed and wind direction – using two different heights, at 2 and 10 meters high, which is considered as proof of concept for the data validation, which should play a role if new sensors should be put into place.



    Bassa Romagna (IT)

    An app for sustainable food chain


    Comprised by nine municipalities, the Union of Bassa Romagna took part in the FOOD CORRIDORS Action Planning Network (2019 – 2022) to promote sustainable food systems in the framework of health, environment and climate change. Using an integrated approach, this territory has chosen to focus on the local economy by, among other things, enabling the creation of food start-ups and relying on tech to innovate the local value chain. When it came to social and environmental aspects, the concept of proximity, also known as “food to fork” or “0 km”, was key. Together with their URBACT Local Group, the municipalities planned different actions on food redistribution to support NGOs and tackle poverty, while avoiding waste – a surplus for solidarity.


    Other actions included territorial marketing initiatives to support responsible and health local food consumption. In addition, during the lifespan of the network, people became increasingly aware of the potential of digital tools, due to the pandemic’s constraints. Such context and ambitions led the network to use its testing activities budget to develop a brand new app. Currently available for Android phones, the app collects the geolocation of local producers, featuring the history of the companies, local markets and even tourism farms and other information for citizens and potential consumers in the area. New features are still on the making, notably for creating a repertory of typical local products. Other functionalities are also under reflection, such as food redistribution.



    Saint Quentin (FR)

    Engaging all citizens in the digital revolution


    Saint Quentin’s has taken part in two Action Planning Networks (2019 – 2022), DigiPlace and ACTIVE CITIZENS. Following a strong political desire to face the main challenges of the future together – and implementing its 2050 strategy with a people-centric city approach – the city has also defined its digital plan. Based upon the principles to use new technologies to promote sustainable development, reduce costs and support local stakeholders in the ownership of digital tools, the city wanted to tackle the digital divide. Even if most public administrative services were made digital – as taxes and health services – about 20% of the local population were still feeling excluded to a lack of digital skills. This has prompted the city to invest, mainly through municipality, regional and state funds and other local resources, in activities to get closer to citizens, in simple but effective ways. The city has established several Solidarity Hubs, community spaces where people can access ICT facilities and support. Social cohesion is at the heart of ACTIVE CITIZENS, reason why the network was an occasion to further explore an involve locals in this inclusion process.



    Barnsley (UK)

    Adapt or die


    As a British medium-sized city with big ambitions, the city has long been keen to develop a “new” economy based on innovation and the Industry 4.0, following the contracting of the mining industry in the 1980’s. A story many European cities and towns can relate to. To this end, for more than a decade the city has committed to growing higher value jobs, particularly within its creative, tech and digital sectors. At the heart of recent successes are the Barnsley Enterprise – an entrepreneurship programme, providing a one-stop-shop for local businesses that seek the City Council’s support – and the Digital Media Centres, physical hubs for creative and digital initiatives.


    Barnsley was awarded an URBACT Good Practice label and has led three URBACT projects: the TechTown Action Planning Network (2015 – 2018) and the Transfer Networks Tech Revolution (2018 – 2021) and Tech Revolution 2.0 (2021 – 2023). Thanks to these experiences, the local council has developed beyond the town itself and, in 2022, was asked to pilot a regional digital strategy. Such achievement will allow the city to carry on its principles, while expanding its activities including in universities, residential, retail and travel facilities.


    Barnsley (UK) interview during the Lisbon URBACT City Festival in 2018


    Nyiregyhaza (HU)

    An active business system to support the digital economy


    Through its participation in the TechTown Action Planning Network (2015 - 2018) and, later, in the Tech Revolution Transfer Network (2018 - 2021), Nyiregyhaza has witnessed big transformations. The city has set up an active – and coordinated – business support service within its arms length Industrial Park Company. The city is now home to a new Technology and Innovation Centre with a stable operating budget, provided by the municipality, and with six full-time staff members, working on economic development, business support and investment promotion. The mayor now lists economic development and job creation as key priorities and seeks to focus on growth within the digital economy.



    Oulu (FI)

    Smart bins and digital twins


    During its participation in the DigiPlace Action Planning Network (2019 – 2022), the city of Oulu (FI) collaborated with a start-up to develop an app for enabling waste collection on-demand for citizens as well as active monitoring of municipal waste bins. The on-demand option allows residents to use the app to request a collection when their bin is getting full, which leads to a collection being dynamically scheduled into the waste company’s collection route. This uses AI algorithms to calculate the optimal route for waste collection vehicles to move around the bins that need to be collected in the most efficient manner, only visiting bins when needed. A similar algorithm is linked with the municipal bin monitoring system, which tracks how much waste is in over 1 000 of the city’s bins using sensors, and schedules bins into the collection cycle when they become close to being full.


    This experience has resulted in a 40% reduction in both the number of collections and of the number of vehicles needed in the fleet, with the associated reductions in cost and carbon emissions. Similarly, the Lead Partner of DigiPalce, the municipality of Messina (IT), has active management of its waste services using a network of sensors, cameras and associated machine learning and AI algorithms. These are both great examples of existing technology and know-how – IoT sensors, route optimisation, machine learning and video recognition – being combined to tackle real city challenges or to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of city services, while also learning from peers.



    Bielsko – Biala (PL)

    Creating a digital economy


    Through their participation in the AS-TRANSFER Network (2021 – 2023) – a pilot collaboration between URBACT and the Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) to mainstream the lessons learnt from previous project – the municipality of Bielsko-Biala has drawn inspiration from the AS-FABRIK initiative in Bilbao (ES). The original project consisted of developing a comprehensive concept that offered new training schemes, partnerships and actions to accelerate digitalisation and boost innovation startups in the Spanish city. Throughout the pilot, the Polish city has developed in a participatory way an investment plan to further seize the Industry 4.0. The city has long been a pioneer when it comes to tech. Back in 2014, Biesko-Biala opened its first creative space and Poland’s first ever FabLab. If successful, the investment plan will enable the city to create a well-connected and vivid local innovation ecosystem with its existing Digital Innovation Hub at heart.



    Aveiro (PT)

    A card to simplify local services


    Following Aveiro’s participation in the CARD4ALL Transfer Network (2018 – 2021), the city has become known as a digital cluster, a territory of innovation with a strong knowledge economy, dynamic university, centre for telecoms R&D, and innovative firms in the digital and traditional sectors. However, the increasing development of new digital solutions had created a complex system of providers, interfaces and information sources for various services around the city, which was increasingly hard for local people to navigate.The Municipality has been wanting In an attempt to simplify citizens’ access to public services and transform Aveiro into a smarter, more open, resilient and inclusive society, the municipality an Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) project in 2018. The Aveiro STEAM CITY, supporting the adoption of 5G and Internet of Things technologies. Based on the URBACT Good Practice of Gijon (ES), the Lead Partner from CARD4ALL, Aveiro has started by introducing a common card for all students across its different schools.


    All services provided by the municipality and schools can be managed and paid with it. This includes the cafeteria, school supplies, photocopying, even access to the buildings and school-day extensions. Crucial preparatory actions included mapping different systems to ensure compatibility and ease of use. Almost simultaneously, the city also activated new online services, with a wide range of options. Today, different municipal departments are working together to create a broader citizen card system covering almost all sectors of local life, including mobility, education, sports, culture, tourism and IT. Each department acts as an intermediary with their own external service providers and concession holders, encouraging strong cross-sectoral cooperation.



    Keeping up with the Digital Transition

    URBACT's brand new online course


    URBACT is committed to improving the digital transition in all programme activities: in EU responses to urban challenges and in the planning processes of all URBACT cities. Unsurprisingly, digital is among the three crosscutting priorities for this programming period (2021 - 2027) – alongside the green and the gender themes. Time after time, the programme has supported the knowledge dissemination on the subject, with TechPlace and, most recently, the Keeping Up with the Digital Transition Moodle, which is open to anyone who takes an interest in this topic.



    Digital solutions and ideas are coming at us thick and fast, and it can be hard for city staff and politicians to keep up. It’s therefore important for cities to be able to navigate around this universe and take advantage of its full potential. Cities have a vital role to play in the digital transition, alongside the private sector. From green matters to participative governance, from education to economy, digital solutions can help urban practitioners to deliver better and more integrated approaches at local level. Start the course now and build your capacities!






    URBACT Knowledge Hub


    After reading these 10 examples, we trust that you will be as enthusiastic as we are to keep up with the digital transition across Europe.

    To find out more about TechPlace and other resources, be sure to check the URBACT Knowledge Hub!

  • Stay Tuned

    LEAD PARTNER : Ghent - Belgium
    • Ampelokipi - Menemeni - Greece
    • Aveiro - Portugal
    • Barcelona - Spain
    • Berlin - Germany
    • Gothenburg - Sweden
    • Nantes - France
    • Sofia - Bulgaria
    • Tallinn - Estonia

    Operational Implementation Framework

    European cities face higher levels of Early Leaving from Education and Training (ELET) than their national averages, meaning that some urban areas have more ELET rates, than the countryside areas - contrary to the national trends of these cities' countires. This represents a serious challenge, as ELET has significant societal and individual consequences, such as a higher risk of unemployment, poverty, marginalization and social exclusion. Tackling this issue means breaking the cycle of deprivation and the intergenerational transmission of poverty and inequality.

    Boosting the Frequency of Qualification
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    Phase 2: Transfer Learning Period. Experiential Learning Stage. Transnational meetings: Antwerp, Suceava, Sassari and Clermont-Ferrand
    Phase 1: Kick-off meeting: Jurmala and Transnational Conference: Gijón
    Phase 2: Transfer Learning Period. Reflective Learning Stage.
    Phase 2: Sharing Period. Contextual Support for Learning. Transnational Meeting: Jurmala. Exchange and Learning Seminar: Aveiro and Final Conference: Gijón

    Laura González Méndez. Project coordinator.

    Gijón City Council


    CARD4ALL is a Transfer network focused on the implementation of innovative services and technologies through a Citizen Card System. Cities can gather information to improve their services and use it for participative processes. It can be applied to promote social inclusion, local trade, urban mobility and sustainable living, thus creating a Smart City with Smart Citizens. The technology used allows the transferability and replication in different contexts.

    Your city in your pocket!
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  • Nine solutions for more vibrant, productive cities

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    These local actions for community participation and productivity are inspiring cities across the EU. Could they work in yours too?

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    The New Leipzig Charter highlights three forms of the transformative city which can be harnessed in Europe to enhance people’s quality of life: the Just City, the Green City and the Productive City.

    URBACT’s latest publication is packed with sustainable solutions to address these three dimensions – all tried, tested and transferred between EU cities, with adaptations for each local context.

    To give a taste of the stories told in Good Practice Transfer: Why not in my City?, here are nine examples of local actions for Productive Cities. We hope towns and cities of all sizes will be inspired to ‘Understand, Adapt and Re-use’ participative solutions like this – from education and entrepreneurship to efficient governance and better use of urban spaces – improving everyday life for residents, and supporting a just transition to a green economy.


    1. Give citizens a card for local services


    To simplify everyday life in Aveiro (PT), the municipality got together with stakeholders to launch a card that will give citizens easy access to public services such as the library, museum, buses and shared bikes, as well as improved online and front desk support. A first step was to issue a student card to access school services across the city, from stationery and meals, to school trips. The idea is to promote a smarter, more open, resilient and inclusive society. Aveiro and four other URBACT partner cities are introducing their local versions of ‘CARD4ALL’ based on good practice from Gijón, a Spanish city that has provided citizen cards for nearly 20 years.



    2. Put residents’ wellbeing at the heart of urban regeneration


    In a project to bring an old playing field back into use, Birmingham (UK) gave local people the power to drive improvements themselves, thanks to a Community Economic Development Planning model, mirroring successful approaches already used in Łódź (PL). Building on this positive start, residents went on to co-produce an alternative Community-Led Master Plan for the wider area — where all council plans had previously been opposed. Council-appointed community ‘ambassadors’ now work with local residents, businesses, service providers and volunteers with a direct stake in the area’s economic health. And the approach is being rolled out across other areas of the city. Birmingham is one of six cities to learn from Łódź’ collaborative model as part of the URBAN REGENERATION MIX network.


    3. Create a digital business hub with a local twist 


    The Greek city of Piraeus founded a new ‘Blue Lab’ near its harbour — the first Blue Economy Innovation Centre in Greece. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, Blue Lab welcomes students and entrepreneurs, providing business mentoring, tech and entrepreneurship training. It has boosted cooperation with businesses and schools, and sparked an array of prototype technology solutions. Piraeus’ further plans now include a new larger co-working space, training facilities to upskill the workforce, and investment in more advanced technologies. Piraeus is one of six URBACT Tech Revolution network partner cities to set up their own start-up support schemes based on the Digital Media Centre in Barnsley (UK), an URBACT-listed Good Practice that has become a successful hub for local creative and digital business.


    4. Build local partnerships around education


    By involving parents, school staff, local clubs and council departments in ‘Educational Innovation Networks’ (EIN), the city of Halmstad (SE) is boosting local connections and sparking improvements in education. Thanks to the URBACT ON BOARD network, Halmstad learnt from Viladecans (ES) who originally formed an EIN to improve education as part of a drive to reverse rising unemployment and declining growth. Halmstad adopted new ideas, including ‘Positive Mindset and Emotions’ for better learning and methods for improving pupil participation. Communication within the municipality also improved thanks to cross-departmental clusters focusing on: Care and Support; Education and Learning; Growth and Attractiveness; and Infrastructure.


    5. Open a ‘living room’ for local clubs and residents


    Idrija (SI) transformed an empty shop into a ‘living room’ for the town, with free activities run by, and for, local associations and inhabitants. City administrators, social services and economic departments, local clubs and active citizens, are all involved in the project, as well as the regional development agency, library and retirement home. As a result, the site has become a meeting place open to all, with events focusing on topics as diverse as housing refurbishment, chess, and knitting. It also hosts a municipality-supported free transport service for elderly people and a book corner run by the local library. Idrija’s solution was modelled on the ‘Stellwerk’ NGO platform launched in Altena (DE) as a solution to help manage the town’s long-term decline.


    6. Turn unused buildings into homes


    Chemnitz’s (DE) ‘Housing Agency for Shrinking Cities’ helps transform empty buildings into valuable housing while reducing speculation, channeling grant money, and cutting future costs for both the owners of decaying buildings and the municipality. Initiated and funded by the city authorities, the project is carried out in the public interest by a long-standing private partner. This model inspired Vilafranca del Penedès (ES), partner in the URBACT ALT/BAU network, to review its housing policies and look for private partners with the technical capacity and financial solvency to help the city recover abandoned housing units. As a result, Vilafranca has signed an agreement with a social foundation whose main objective is to identify, obtain and rehabilitate low-priced rental housing in collaboration with job agencies.


    7. Launch a blue entrepreneurship competition (for cities near water!) 


    The port city of Mataró (ES) is boosting local entrepreneurship and jobs in the maritime economy – inspired by a BlueGrowth initiative in Piraeus (EL). Mataró encouraged diverse public and private stakeholders to get involved, including the City Promotion team, regional ‘Barcelona Nautic Cluster’, local port authority, and a technology park that hosts the University and a business incubator. The resulting Mataró Blue Growth Entrepreneurship competition provides cash prizes, mentoring and access to a business accelerator programme. So far winning projects include a boat repair franchise, a boat propulsion system, and an app linking up superyachts with relevant services.


    8. Help city employees become innovators


    When Turin (IT) teamed up with private sponsors to launch a competition inviting 10 000 municipal staff to submit innovative ideas for improving the administration's performance, winning proposals included solutions for improving community participation, smart procurement, and lighting in public buildings. This inspired Rotterdam (NL) and five other cities in the URBACT Innovato-R network to draw on Turin’s experience to boost innovation and process improvement in their own cities. As a result, Rotterdam took a fresh approach with its existing innovation network of over 1 800 civil servants and 500 external stakeholders, strengthening links with businesses and academics, introducing new online ‘inspiration sessions’, and co-designing a new innovation platform.


    9. Harness the power of public spending 


    Koszalin (PL) analysed the city’s procurement spending and is using the resulting evidence to shape public procurement practices in order to benefit the local economy, while taking into account social and environmental factors. To do so, they used a spend analysis tool that was originally developed by Preston (UK) and transferred to six EU cities via the URBACT Making Spend Matter network. Koszalin also started working more closely with key ‘anchor institutions’ in the city, such as the hospital and university, exploring how much they spend, and where that money goes geographically. Meanwhile, they improved support for local SME participation in public procurement.




    Find out more about these and many more sustainable city solutions – in the new URBACT publication Good Practice Transfer: Why not in my City?.

    Visit the Good Practice database for more inspiration.


  • A card to simplify smart access to local services


    Digitalisation for more efficient municipal policies

    Angela Cunha
    Project Coordinator
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    78 000

    Solutions offered by the good practice

    Aveiro is an industrial city with an important seaport on the western coast of Portugal and also known as ‘the Portuguese Venice’. More recently, it has become known as a digital cluster, a territory of innovation with a strong knowledge economy, dynamic university, centre for telecoms R&D, and innovative firms in the digital and traditional sectors. However, the increasing development of new digital solutions had created a complex system of providers, interfaces and information sources for various services around the city, which was increasingly hard for local people to navigate.

    The Municipality has been wanting to simplify citizens’ access to public services and transform Aveiro into a smarter, more open, resilient and inclusive society. In 2018, it launched an Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) project ‘Aveiro STEAM CITY’, supporting the adoption of 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies.

    Aveiro has started by introducing a common card for all students across its different schools. All services provided by the municipality and schools can be managed and paid with it. This includes the cafeteria, school supplies, photocopying, even access to the buildings and school-day extensions. Crucial preparatory actions included mapping different systems to ensure compatibility and ease of use.

    Almost simultaneously, the Municipality also activated new online services, with a wide range of options. Different linkages, payments loading, single sign-in and a number of other key elements discussed in Card4All are already in place.

    Sustainable and integrated urban approach

    The integrated approach supported by the ULG has been particularly valuable in helping the work with CARD4ALL fit into Aveiro’s constellation of ongoing projects, creating synergies and building on existing policies.

    In addition, the services provided via the card clearly relate to environmentally friendly solutions such as a public transport. It can also potential include social benefits directly into the card.

    Participatory approach

    To reach this point, Aveiro and its stakeholders exchanged regularly with fellow partner CARD4ALL cities, and learned directly about Lead Partner Gijon’s Citizen Card system, including technical tools required for its development. This has already informed key elements of Aveiro’s new online public services and the emerging citizen card plans.

    Local developments have been coordinated with an URBACT Local Group (ULG) comprising two different groups of stakeholders. The first engages all existing service providers on a practical, technical level. The second is a municipal cross-departmental group linking with wider economic development activities.

    The network and the wider activities enjoy strong support from local politicians – and a clearly identified demand from citizens.

    What difference has it made

    Based on the practice of Gijon, the municipal departments are still working together to create a broader citizen card system covering almost all sectors of local life, including: mobility (bikes, buses, ferry, parking…); education and sports; culture (libraries, museums, theatre…); tourism; IT; and ‘the front office’ that deals directly with citizens. Each department acts as an intermediary with their own external service providers and concession holders, encouraging strong cross-sectoral cooperation. The card’s success in the future will require technical capacity, financial and human resources – including a municipal team of ICT developers and technical experts – which is not always easy to maintain in Portuguese municipalities.

    Transferring the practice

    The transfer journey has been demanding but rich. As a direct outcome, despite all ongoing challenges, the city is now working with more public service providers to add the library, museums, bus and bike sharing system to a new citizen card, further simplifying life for residents.

    Main Theme
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  • High tech Aveiro’s new Citizen Card makes life easier

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    When a high tech town simplifies citizens’ access to public services thanks to the Card4All network.

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    While launching a wealth of new tech initiatives including an interactive urban digital platform and 5G network, after a long history of digital innovation, the Portuguese town of Aveiro realised it was time to pause and simplify citizens’ access to public services. Inspired by Gijón (ES) and other cites in the URBACT Card4All network, municipal departments are working together to create a one-stop-shop citizen card for Aveiro.


    The small port-city of Aveiro in northwest Portugal has long been known not just for its picturesque street canals and colourful Moliceiros boats – but also for pioneering telecommunication research and digital transition.


    Since being named Portugal’s first “Digital City” back in 2003, the municipality has continued to develop as a digital territory for innovation, culminating in the current Aveiro Tech City. This includes a 5G testbed, supported by the Urban Innovative Actions STEAM city initiative (2019-21), in partnership with Altice Labs and other stakeholders to help the city “transition into a knowledge-based economy”.


    But one downside of adopting new digital solutions over the years is that Aveiro’s citizens – and the city administration – are having to juggle more and more cards, interfaces and information sources for services around the city, whether it’s to borrow a library book, catch a bus or manage school services.


    “The new technological revolution with the wide adoption of a 5G infrastructure and IoT platform will transform the local innovation ecosystem,” says Miguel Sousa, Lead Expert for the URBACT Card4All network. Seeing this as an opportunity to simplify access to services and improve local governance, in 2018 Aveiro joined Card4All, an URBACT transfer network that helps small and medium sized cities learn from Gijón’s (ES) successful Citizen Card.


    In Gijón, citizens, businesses and tourists have been using a personalised card since 2002 to access multiple municipal services, reducing bureaucracy and saving time, while also promoting policies of social inclusion, sustainability, smart growth and sustainable mobility. The card acts as an electric wallet to pay for parking tickets, bus fares and access to sports facilities. Cardholders can also enter a personal code to access official documents and the status of applications. And Gijón’s municipal employees can even use their card to open certain council vehicles.



    Aveiro decided to start designing their Citizen Card by learning from three main public services that until now have their own separate cards:


    1. Schools, as currently children need two or three different cards as they move from kindergarten through to high school – for buying lunches and supplies, staying after school, or accessing certain buildings;
    2. Public libraries;
    3. An upgraded bike sharing system, due to launch in 2020.


    The card could also enable quick access to the museum, wi-fi, and sports bookings. And the system should allow more services to be added later, whether they are run by public or private entities.


    The aim is to have a first version of the one-stop-shop Citizen Card ready to test by mid 2020, and reach at least 35,000 of the region’s 40,0000 inhabitants in the first year.


    “We need to make things more efficient, simple and clear for people,” says Aveiro’s Card4All project manager Maria Angela Cunho, responsible for the Economic development and innovation sub-unit. “The initial phase is connecting what already exists. Having one interface will simplify people’s lives.”


    Relevant municipal department chiefs met early on and agreed a structured plan for the two-year URBACT project. “It’s a huge thing to get them to work together on one card!” says Cunha.


    With the goal to “improve city performance, fostering technological development and innovation as a contribution for better policies and services”, this URBACT Local Group (ULG) meets every few months – sometimes with their Card4All European partners and URBACT expert. It includes people working on the following:


    - Mobility (for bikes, buses and parking);
    - Education;
    - Sports;
    - Culture (for libraries, museums, the theatre, youth and elderly, and tourism);
    - IT (for public wi-fi);
    - the Front Office that deals directly with citizens.

    Each department acts as an intermediary with their own stakeholders, often operators of external services such as transport, energy or food supply companies who may join the card later.


    Next transnational steps


    Armed with questions defined by the ULG, interviewers recently set off around the city to meet citizens face-to-face and understand their priorities for local public services. This insight will help Aveiro start working with external developers to prepare a public tender for the Citizen Card’s development. Then, early in 2020, members of the ULG – including the city’s tech department and external developers – will travel to URBACT Good Practice city Gijon for an intensive meeting with their peers there. That will help Aveiro finalise the public tender.


    “I think it’s important to see Gijon’s experience because it shows that it’s possible. They’ve added lots of services, even external services. It helps to have a goal, something to look at,” says Cunha.


    “The Municipality of Aveiro has a large experience in transnational collaborative projects where the city acquired knowledge and gained relevant experience in the design and implementation of strategic plans to support economic development and RD&I activities,” says Sousa, Card4All Lead Expert. “I believe that the transnational cooperation experience speed up the digital transition in Aveiro.”


    Avoiding digital pitfalls in local governance


    Providing access to essential services and listening to all voices in decision-making, including those of the less privileged and most vulnerable - these are just two fundamental elements of good local governance for cities to have in mind when developing digital tools. Others are to ensure the city has necessary IT skills in-house, and the resources to answer new messages from citizens.


    Christophe Gouache, Lead Expert for the URBACT ActiveCitizen network recently launched in Agen (FR) to promote better local governance, warns that for cities, “the biggest danger facing citizen participation and local democracy is to rush into the ‘digital promise’… and to suppress other, low tech, modes of participation”. By this he means collaborative events like neighbourhood meetings, or workshops with inhabitants. “Digital is only a tool, a complementary channel of connection with inhabitants,” he adds.



    Meanwhile, the Aveiro Tech City scheme includes the development of a single urban platform with multi-source data-collection to support decision-making by the mayor and elected representatives, civil servants, and citizens. André Costa, Head of Economic development and entrepreneurship, says the platform will be similar to those of larger cities like Dublin, Barcelona, Milan – and could take up to a decade to develop. “At any moment,” says Costa, “our mayor will be able to know the city’s level of revenue. He will be able to know the number of processes requested for the requalification of urban buildings. He will know the level of CO2 emissions that we are able to reduce once we’ve implemented electrical buses, electric engines in our municipal boats, and electrical ferry boats. And we’ll be able to inform our citizens so they know the results and the outcomes of the investments being made.”


    Aveiro’s Card4All will be designed to link in with this new urban platform. It would be technically possible to produce a mobile app to access public services virtually instead of printing individual cards for everyone. That would save costs, not just on producing the cards, but also acquiring, installing and maintaining card readers. But Cunha says a physical card is still necessary for children, the elderly, and other people excluded from technology: “I guess for now we have to have both solutions”.


    Summing up the project, José Ribau Esteves, Mayor of Aveiro, said, “The Card4All project is a part of our global initiative – Aveiro Tech City – that intends to support the City of Aveiro transition into a knowledge-based economy, while providing better services to our citizens and visitors. Economically, we aim at competing with the stronger national economic centres, being able to attract and retain the necessary talents for our economy to grow and produce more added-value, making Aveiro a more competitive city globally. Socially, we intend to provide better services to our citizens using digital tools, and Citizen Card will play a very important role in this regard.”


    Further reading on urban governance
    A chapter from the Future of cities report by the European Commission’s Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies.
    URBACT Knowledge Hub TechPlace:
  • Your city in your pocket!

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    Card4all project is based on the Gijon Citizen Card, an URBACT Good Practice, which is celebrating its 16th birthday in 2018. During this time, Miguel Sousa says it offered citizens access to a range of public services, stimulated their modernization and increased trust and proximity between citizens and city services.

    Smart living in Gijon


    The idea for the Citizen Card first took hold in 1999 after analyzing similar experiences developed by other cities. Three years later, in 2002, it was implemented in Gijon as a tool to integrate services and a very useful resource one could have, be it residents or visitors.

    The card’s objectives from the beginning were: to offer citizens good quality services, have one card for all municipal actions, improve existing functions and add new ones. It has become an essential tool to the quality of life in Gijon City: "Smart living". Citizens of Gijón, businesses and tourists could access municipal services, allowing a reduction in bureaucracy, time saving, ensuring access to services, promoting policies of social inclusion, sustainability, smart growth and sustainable mobility.

    The Citizen Card is personal and non-transferable, replacing other identification systems like the Library Card, Transport Card or others related to municipal services. Gathering all services in one single card, means saving time and an overall efficient simplification.

    Thanks to all the improvements already made and those that can be implemented in the future, the Citizen Card will prove to be a basic yet crucial mechanism helping citizens with services offered by Gijon City Council. It’s also set to become a distinctive symbol of the city.

    Gijon citizen card data

    The Citizen Card launched its services in 2002, with 27,037 cards issued that year. From that moment on, the numbers have been steadily increasing to reach 332,283 cards 16 years later.


    Today the number of cards issued is higher than the population of Gijon, which in 2017 reached 271,987 inhabitants. This can be explained by the cards being available to non residents. The aim of the card was always to go beyond borders and open the city’s virtual doors to any person/company/association that needs its services.

    The Citizen Card services have been improved thanks to the citizens’ collaboration, and to each service’s internal tools… An anonymous survey received useful information to make a database about its us and needs. Each service established a number of indicators to gather information about the card’s use, which allows to develop and further improve the services offered.

    Thanks to databases updated in real time, it soon appeared that the most used service is bus transport, reaching 90% use, data that remains constant since the early days. Thanks to this service, the users benefits from reduced fees, or even free rides. The second service is made up of libraries and media libraries, where users have free access to books and Internet. The public bathrooms are the third most used service, again, free for those with a Citizen Card. All this information is available in open data to anyone who may be interested.

    Age is another factor to take into account when it comes to the card’s use analysis. In this case, the 30-50 age group is the most represented with 36%, followed by the 51-70 group with 25%, and a 16% for the 13-29 year olds. These three groups make up more than 75% of the total cards issued, because they are at the ages where the services offered are most demanded.

    Card4all project


    CARD4ALL, is a partnership led by Gijón (ES), with Suceava (RO), Jurmala (LV), phase I partners, and Aveiro (PT), Sassari (IT), Clermont-Ferrand (FR) and Antwerp (BE) as partners for phase II. The network is committed to good practice and it shares its small and medium sized European cities’ identity’s characteristics.

    For a growing European economy, the health and wealth of these small and medium sized cities and their connected hinterlands should be a priority. By participating in the Card4all project, cities will have the opportunity to develop their digital strategy, to increase citizen information transparency, to promote healthy habits, socialization and social inclusion and to facilitate the participation of citizens in relevant city life issues.

    Expected challenges

    One of the main expected challenges is the process of adopting and adapting the Citizen Card good practice across the partnership cities. The starting point of the cities is different, as are the expectations for the project’s outcome. The transferability methods will be flexible and open to allow the identification and understanding of the challenges and transfer good practice.

    Another challenge is to overcome the complexity of public organizational structures and to identify good practice transfer progress, every year, as well as the “ownership” of the city card - meaning the ones that will lead the process and that will engage other local stakeholders in the city card’s implementation.

    Expected benefits for Card4all cities

    The simple implementation of the Citizen Card is already an improvement when it comes to municipal services available, since it is a fast and efficient way of accessing a host of services. Regarding the expected benefits they are as follows:

    • Integration of several services into one card, substituting former ones (libraries, pools, transport…).
    • Proximity to public services, allowing both natural and legal persons to interact with the public Administration in a faster and easier way by identifying themselves through the Web or Citizen Terminals.
    • Improve citizens’ quality of life with accessible services that save time compared to face-to face procedures.
    • More available hours thanks to the Citizen Terminals network.
    • Any natural or legal person can have a Citizen Card.
    • Easy to use thanks to the contactless card that speeds procedures up and allows for a more efficient use of new communication technologies.
    • Diminishes proceedings and unnecessary costs since the card does not have an expiry date.
    • Applications can be face-to-face or online, depending on the citizen’s needs.
    • Any person can benefit from the services offered, whatever their place of residence.
    • It is a tool to implement different policies: use of public transportation, recycling, etc..
    • Cities will have a lot of data about the use of services in a centralized system that can be used for statistics or to make relevant decisions to improve services provided.

    Card4all intends to reach cities and regions beyond the borders of this first partnership and will implement an ambitious communication and distribution plan for phase 2 of the project.


    Visit the network's page: CARD4ALL


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  • ‘Migrant crisis’: what can cities learn about new service design?

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    A message from Sicily

    There’s been a lot of recent talk about the additional pressure new migrant arrivals place on public services. There has been less discussion about how cities – and it is mainly cities – are coping with this. And less still about what we are learning and the implications for future public services.

    This was the focus of a recent Social Innovation Europe event in Siracusa Sicily. Meeting on one of Europe’s front lines gave us the chance to see what’s happening and to hear about lessons emerging from our recent experiences. We were particularly interested to examine the range of social innovations emerging to meet new service demands.

    This article shares some of these new service examples. It also considers what they tell us about the new service design dynamics they reflect. Finally, we conclude with reference to Ezio Manzini's call for a new narrative around migrants, aligned to a design-led approach to service development.


    What can be done to address negative perceptions?

    Today in Europe, the narrative around migrants is almost unceasingly negative. Fear of terrorism; Islamophobia; the ongoing Global Financial Crisis: all contribute to a climate of anxiety which shapes the debate. Too often, facts are not allowed to get in the way of this debate. Like the fact that some EU countries will be reliant on immigration to keep the economy going, due to demographic changes in Europe. EU forecasts show for example that Germany’s population will drop from 81.3 million to 70.8 million by 2060 without immigration. Poland’s population is expected to drop by almost 14% in the same period.

    Despite the facts, the fears remain. Too often those fears are based on prejudice and rumour, rather than fact. This can be an insidious problem – especially when much of the media has an anti-migrant undertone.

    One city challenging the rumour mill is Amadora in the metropolitan Lisbon area, which is the Lead Partner in the URBACT Arrival Cities network. The municipality has embarked upon an innovative way to tackle malicious anti-migrant rumours and to help make sure that its citizens know the facts. Don't Feed the Rumor is a communications campaign that initially started in one of the city’s secondary schools. Its aim was to tackle unfounded rumours in a city where 10% of the population has a Lusophone African background. Unfounded assumptions about their school performance, social customs and attitudes were barriers to effective integration.
    The pilot campaign involved recruiting and training 60 pupils of Seomara da Costa Primo secondary school as anti-rumour agents. Armed with facts and trained to challenge rumours when they arose, these students were part of an effective pilot that is now being scaled across the city.


    How can we support access to public services?

    New arrivals need access to information on public services. They often arrive with few resources, limited host language skills and different cultural perceptions. As a result, they can easily tie up large amount of front-line service time in their new host cities. Finding efficient ways to help them access information directly is therefore in everyone’s interest.

    Consequently, there is a wave of i

    nnovation related to improving access to information for migrants. Perhaps the best-known and field leader is Mobilearn, a web solution initially developed in Sweden. Established as a social enterprise by people with first-hand migration experience, it is now being rolled out in other parts of Europe. Acknowledging the widespread use of smartphones amongst refugees, Mobilearn provides a survival guide to local services in a variety of languages.

    Mobilearn has been extensively evaluated and is building an important data bank on the hours (and resources) saved to local authorities as well as the social impact created by the service. In some respects, this work is similar to that of other cities who are developing online ‘Welcome’ services for new arrivals. Dresden, which has faced challenges with anti-migrant protests, launched an app to welcome new arrivals in 2015. Here again, the basic service enables migrants to register for health and other support services.

    What do these developments tell us about emerging service demand? First of all, they underline the ubiquity and importance of smartphones. Migrants arriving with next to nothing will either arrive with one or make it one of their earliest purchases. They also reflect the shift already under way from providing face-to-face public services towards those that are online and available 24/7. This trend is only going to grow further.

    What housing solutions are emerging?

    Many of Europe’s cities face a crisis in affordable housing, one of the reasons why this has been identified as an initial priority theme within the EU Urban Agenda.

    For new arrivals, housing is clearly a top priority, but the current situation can make this difficult. In Germany, where the pressure is perhaps most acute, a recent Robert Bosch Foundation report concluded that there was a need for up to an additional 125,000 dwellings. In response, a range of initiatives have been undertaken to find solutions. These have ranged from establishing temporary accommodation, piloting shared schemes and (controversially) utilising empty former East German housing estates.

    Again, ICT is emerging as a key part of the solution. The Refugees Welcome site, inevitably labeled as ‘Airbnb for refugees’, matches accommodation seekers to potential hosts. Operating across much of Europe, as well as Canada, the service has so far matched over 600 refugees.

    Working on the same lines the UK’s Shared Lives model might offer possibilities to build upon. Aimed at supporting vulnerable people to live within communities, it matches host families to seeking individuals. Although the initial focus has been on health, the principals could be applied to support newly arrived migrants.


    How can we meet the demand for education and employment?

    A high proportion of migrants to the EU are younger people, aged under 34. In 2015 88,700 of them were unaccompanied minors. For many, their education has been disrupted. For example, of the young Syrians arriving in Europe, 25% were in education before their lives were turned upside down. Meeting the educational aspirations of these young people is another of the challenges receiving cities face.

    There is widespread evidence of the educational barriers  that face migrants coming into Europe. These include a lack of familiarity with the host language which prevents participation in the education system. Another is the frequent lack of equivalence between qualifications gained in third countries. In addition, many refugees arrive with few possessions, and often lack the evidence of qualifications even if they have them.

    In Germany, Kiron learning centres have created an innovative access framework linked to the country’s universities and aimed at refugees. Plugging into a network of higher education providers, Kiron offers online learning programmes via MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) as well as language support provision through established providers like Babbel. Kiron has crowdfunded around €500,000 allowing it to offer almost 500 scholarships. The response has been very positive and Kiron is expanding rapidly since its inception.

    For adults looking to fast track into employment, education may not be the priority. Acquiring and demonstrating competencies with labour market value may be a bigger issue. For those who already have skills, but who may lack paperwork or host-country experience the growing area of microcredentialism is proving to be helpful. This reflects a growing demand from employers to have a very specific understanding of the skills people have, due to trends of generic job descriptions. Linked In recommendations are a good example of this development, labelled ‘technologies of expertise’ by Beth Noveck.

    For those refugees with high skills in demand, a number of specialist services are emerging. One of these is the Refugee Doctors Programme designed by the Bridges Project in Scotland. This seeks to support qualified refugee doctors to fast track into employment within NHS Scotland. The programme is also open to dentists and pharmacists.

    What conclusions can we draw from this early intensive experience?

    It’s way too early to draw any hard and fast conclusions from European cities’ early experience of meeting migrant needs. The picture is so varied and messy that making generalized observations is a risky business. However….on the basis of some early feedback, here are some very early potential implications for our governance models.

    The migrants’ arrival is generating demand for new services

    The flow of people from the world’s most troubled corners is creating a market for services. Some of these are provided illegally, like the traffickers who charge a lifetime’s savings to take a chance crossing the Mediterranean in a flimsy dingy. Others are legal and, at times, core public services, such as the provision of housing and education for those at risk. In the middle is the growing market of hybrid services such as the smart apps which help migrants navigate the new systems and realities they encounter.

    Many of these demands reflect trends already taking place in our cities

    The emerging services mentioned in this article are mainly targeted at new arrivals. However, they reflect service needs already evident in our cities, such as:

    • The need for a counter-narrative to the growing poisonous rumours aimed at society’s most vulnerable people. (Thought leaders like Julia Unwin have written about the increasing tendency to blame the poor and vulnerable for their own situations.)
    • The demand for wider-access to higher education that is free and available 24/7
    • The challenge to provide affordable housing – and in particular the need for new supported housing models for the most disadvantaged people in our societies

    The scale of the migrant challenge has galvanized community responses…which traditional funding sources have struggled to support


    As nation states have deliberated and city administrations have wrung their hands, across Europe ordinary citizens have stepped into the breach to offer support to Europe’s new arrivals. This compassionate groundswell of public support has been one of the few chinks of light in this otherwise dark period of Europe’s history.

    Yet, often our established funding models have struggled to find ways to adequately support these grassroots movements, which are often co-ordinated by unconstituted groups of volunteers. Take for example, the case of Options FoodLab in Greece, which is supporting a wide range of food-related activities bringing refugees and locals together. Yet, due to Greece’s inhospitable climate for social enterprises, they have struggled to evolve and scale.

    Yes, times are tough and there is less money to go round. But this is the very time when we need creativity, energy and social innovation – and the modest financial resources to initially oil the wheels.

    And finally…

    At the SIE event in Siracusa, Ezio Manzini, based at the Politecnico di Milano and the University of the Arts in London, gave a stimulating keynote which touched on these questions. Adopting a design-perspective, he stressed the need to reframe the narrative around migrants, and the need for a more human-centred approach. Instead of this loaded term, he suggested ‘people on the move’. He also suggested a paradigm for service redesign based on different dimensions of that experience – work that he is currently developing and that we will follow with interest.

    At the high policy level, the EU and Member States are exploring solutions – such as the recent controversial Turkey deal. Meanwhile, on the ground, it’s in our cities that the practical solutions are being forged. That’s because most migrants head for urban areas, where their support networks lie and where they are most likely to find work.

    In the coming months there is a growing pipeline of activity and resources relating to how our cities best accommodate and support these people on the move. Although stuck in the old lexicon, this reflects the urgency of the situation and a real commitment to learn, find and share solutions. Some of the key components of this include the EU Urban Agenda’s identification of Migrant Integration as one of its initial four priority themes. Another is the Urban Innovative Actions Programme, one of whose four initial call strands was migrant integration. Alongside this, the recently closed call for the European Social Innovation Competition focused on this theme.

    In the coming months we will be reporting back on these developments. However, a clear message from the SIE event is that the challenges the “Migrant Crisis” presents are mere reflections of the fundamental ones our cities face in these turbulent times. They also act as potential catalysts for new service design and innovation, encompassing themes addressed by some of the new URBACT networks, including CHANGE!, Boostino and Interactive Cities.

    URBACT also recently published an article on refugees and migrants inclusion from the European perspective - The Urban Agenda for Europe: 'Inclusion refugees and migrants' partnership


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