TechDiversity core policy issue is the lack of diverse communities looking to grow knowledge-based digital and tech ecosystems…

In TechDiversity we have a vision,

as the 8 cities ensured that all members
of the community can participate in
each city’s digital ecosystem
and manage to connect specific minority
community groups to employment and entrepreneurship opportunities in the digital and tech sectors.
TechDiversity Exchanges by the end of 2024
The projects’ planned activities are following a Roadmap that includes all the details foreseen in the TechDiversity Baseline Study. In addition, as part of all URBACT projects, partners share their experiences and information about the policy problem that they want to change as part of the action planning process.
During 2024 the network organized four well structured project meetings, where all partners had the opportunity to participate in various seminars, workshops and masterclasses, as well as to visit each city's good practice and case study on-site. Two project topics were the primary focus of the meetings (Tech Talent, Tech Entrepreneurship) and two TechDiversity Themes: Supporting structures & Human resources.
In TechDiversity we are following the Cities Action Planning Network Discovery & Development Process:

In Amarante (April 2024), all partners were hosted at the Instituto Empresarial do Tâmega, which serves as a business support structure that encompasses an incubator, accelerator, business and innovation center, and academy. The project partners met and exchanged with various start uppers, that shared their business stories, the difficulties they faced to start & scale up (being sometimes a member of a diverse group of entrepreneurs, like young women or disabled people).

In Bucharest (June 2024), the partners deep dived into various policy issues & especially on the 2nd Topic of Tech Entrepreneurship. The project partners met & exchanged with really critical local stakeholders, based on the wider metropolitan area of Bucharest, stakeholders that shared their knowledge for a more Diverse Entrepreneurship in Bucharest.

In Idrija (September 2024), the partners deep dived into various policy issues & especially on the 3rd Topic of Supporting Structures in tech and digital ecosystems. Project partners convened & engaged in discussions with a local stakeholder, the Idrija 2020 Association, regarding TD policy issue. The city's Idrija Youth Participatory Budget Project was also discussed.

In Larnaka (December 2024), the partners deep dived into various policy issues & especially on the 2nd Theme of Human Resources in tech and digital ecosystems. Project partners met & exchanged with the Maker Space representatives, which promotes a creative revolution that turns customers into creators-makers.
TechDiversity Learning Activities by the end of 2024
The TechDiversity Network hosted a range of engaging seminars (PS), workshops (PW), and masterclasses (M) led by experts, which enhanced familiarity with diversity and inclusion in digital and tech ecosystems both in Europe and globally.
All of the partners took part in the following sessions during the project meetings in 2024, adhering to a certain strategy established by the Lead Expert:
Larnaka Meeting:
Introduction to key concepts/trends for a more diverse and inclusive local economic development in tech and digital sector (PW)
Labor market integration and access to vocational training (PS)
EU Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027 (PS)
Small – medium Cities offering more diverse job opportunities (M)
Idrija Meeting:
Local diverse ecosystems to start and scale businesses (M)
Introduction to key concepts/trends for a more diverse and inclusive local eco-nomic development in tech and digital sector (PS)
What any diversity and inclusion policy should contain (PW)
The value of Diversity, Inclusion and Gender Equality for more diverse new local digital ecosystems in small – medium cities (PS)
Bucharest District 6 Meeting:
Tools for boosting diversity & inclusion on job opportunities in the digital
ecosystem of a city (PS)
Brain drain and TechDiversity policy issue (PS)
Public sector and diversity in digital ecosystems (M)
The Diversity Charter (PS)
Amarante Meeting:
Introduction to The Equality Act 2010 (PS)
EU Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027 (PS)
Key legislation related to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in EU level (PS)
TechDiversity Testing Actions
In order to test in practice some of their ideas to be elaborated in the actions envisaged in their Integrated Action Plan, the partners planned their Testing Activities using the URBACT APN framework with the assistance of an ad hoc expert.
What is done as part of the Testing Actions?
Enablement of better allocation of talents
Optimization of matching
Changing of rules for decision-making
Addressing of unintentional biases
Creation of role models
Provision of safe spaces for encounters … and more.

Timeline of the TechDiversity Testing Actions activities
Bielsko Biala (History in IT) , Psahna (Entrepreneurship Micro-Hackathon) testing actions are finalized with some remarkable results.

Arezzo will organize in early 2025 a small-scale matchmaking event with our target group representatives and business representatives from the tech and digital sectors.
Larnaka planned the organization of a matching event to connect companies with people that are looking for jobs and have relevant skills. An Online questionnaire recording the real needs in skills needed from the companies is in progress.
BucharestD6 planed a pilot workshop series with the Polytechnic University and a technical college, as well as the private sector, for young graduates or soon to be graduates, to help them learn how to: Design a CV, to present themselves for a job interview and find a job in the tech sector.
Trikala provided training programs for teachers to shape the mindset of varied digital and electronic ecosystems.
To help educated foreigners who come to Idrija to work integrate into a sophisticated business environment, Idrija arranged a targeted meeting.
Amarante planed the “AMARANTINAS GO TECH” Testing Action targeting an Increased participation and performance of women in the digital and technological sector and a greater female representation in technological courses and careers.

TechDiversity Key Learning Insights from the mid-point stage in the network
The APN journey (that was front-loaded in year 2024) is considered very successful so far, mostly in terms of ULG involvement and capacity building raise of all people involved.
Diversity in tech and digital ecosystems is here for all partners, despite their city size. This policy issue was identified by all participants as one that is also of local interest.
The Network hosted a range of engaging seminars, workshops, and masterclasses led by experts, which enhanced familiarity with diversity and inclusion in digital and tech ecosystems both in Europe and globally
All partners demonstrated increased capability on the TechDiversity policy issue, which is a very positive outcome
The primary factor influencing the partners' approach to diversity and inclusion in their digital and tech ecosystems, aside from Bucharest District 6, is the small- to medium-sized cities.
A second critical factor is the very small number of qualified emigrants related to digital and tech ecosystems.
Given these factors, all partners are primarily focusing on addressing the needs and challenges of local community groups, including women, young scientists, youth from low-income families or with specific social characteristics, and people with disabilities
Very positive, as also big surprises in terms of added value to local communities, came out from two case examples that TechDiversity partners deep dived through the 2025 study visits and policy issue exchanges:
The Tâmega Business Institute (IET) is a non-profit association in Amarante
The ID20 Institute, Institute for Innovation in Idrija
The Diversity Chamber of Commerce (RDCC) in Bucharest
TechDiversity Next Steps for 2025.
There is plenty of time for all activities foreseen in 2025 and all partners will have the time and support to overcome any small-scale barriers and mitigate risks foreseen in the Mid Term Review Report (State of the Actions Report), that was prepared after the meeting that took place in Larnaka early December 2024.
All partners are working on their Action Tables and Integration elements in preparation for the first full version draft of their Action Plan, which will be assessed following a peer-review model in Bielsko Biala (May 2025).
Kostas Karamarkos
Strategic Planner,
TechDiversity Network Expert