URBACT IV is officially approved!

Edited on 10/04/2024

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Find out what the future holds for the programme.


2022 has bought many changes for the URBACT Programme.



2022 has been a year of transition with the last round of URBACT III networks finishing their activities, the URBACT City Festival celebrating cities’ achievements and symbolically welcoming the new edition of the programming period. Now, after undergoing a consultation process, URBACT IV has become a reality, officially adopted by the European Commission.



What awaits with URBACT IV?



URBACT IV (2021 – 2027) is an evolution, not a revolution. The programme will continue to support cities working on integrated, sustainable urban development through EU cooperation. Existing types of networks will make a comeback:


  • Action Planning Networks’ partners will develop local Integrated Action Plans to improve their cities.
  • Transfer Networks’ partners will understand, adapt and re-use a labelled good practice to their context.
  • Innovation Transfer Mechanism partners will develop investment plans for initiatives implemented under the Urban Innovative Actions and the European Urban Initiative projects.


URBACT IV networks will welcome partners from the 27 EU Member States, as well as Partner States (Norway, Switzerland) and IPA beneficiary countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. Cities from other countries can take part in the programme’s activities at their own costs.


URBACT IV networks will still cover a wide range of urban themes, which cities will be able to choose from. It is highly appreciated though that the programme’s cross-cutting themes are taken into account in the process: green, gender, digital. Naturally, the URBACT capacity-building and capitalisation activities, as well as flagship events, will continue until 2027!




URBACT IV official logo


Countdown for the next network call



New Year, new URBACT call! The first call of URBACT IV will open in January 2023. Cities and other entities that wish to join an Action Planning Network are welcome to build partnerships and send applications within the following three months.


Nevertheless, the preparation comes sooner and it starts with you! An online Partner Search Tool will help you finding partners for your project or contacting people with existing ideas. This platform will be launched on URBACT’s website in the course of October, so you will have additional time to explore new partnerships and subjects that are relevant for your city.


Expertise support is still at the core of the programme’s networking activities, so a new database for Validated Experts will be set from November onwards. Whether you are looking for someone to be your future network Lead Expert or whether you want to become an URBACT IV Expert, keep an eye out for the launch of applications.


Future Action Planning Networks' partners are up for an exciting adventure, with different activities and opportunities to learn, exchange and drive change for better cities. Following a few online editions during COVID-19 time, the URBACT Summer University will also come back in person, so stay tuned for more!







Do you want to know more about URBACT IV?
Submitted by on 22/09/2022
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