Vilawatt UTM Deep Dive Interviews

Edited on 05/04/2023

Deep Dive visit, July 2022

In July 2022 partner cities had the chance to visit for the first time Viladecans to see Vilawatt project on the site. After more than one year since the beginning of the project, we took the opportunity to interview Vilawatt UTM partner cities and ask their opinion on the project so far.

Would you like to know…

What did they expect from Vilawatt UTM project at the beginning?

How had Vilawatt UTM influenced their city Climate Strategy?

How had the URBACT method facilitated the transfer and planning?

Or the main difficulties and learnings in transferring the Vilawatt?

Have a look at these videos: Deep Dive Videos Playlist

Submitted by on 01/02/2023
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Sara Cerezo

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