VIlawatt UTM reaches the finish line

Edited on 02/02/2023

We reach the finish line

After all the joint work carried out and once all the cities that are part of the project - Viladecans (Spain), Nagykanizsa (Hungary), Seraing (Belgium), Trikala (Greece) - have finished their Investment Plan projects (Springboard Plan in the case of Viladecans) it's time to cross the finish line.

20 months during which we have been able to share and exchange experiences with the aim of drawing up Investment Plans that help cities to advance in the energy transition. An objective that has been achieved thanks to the work of the Local Support Groups, the teams in each city, the project coordinators, the methods and tools of URBACT... We had the opportunity to share it all with the public, professionals and experts from the EU in an event in Viladecans on October 18 and 19, 2022 (click here to read the article about the Final Event).

The Vilawatt project has been developed in three main phases: Understanding, Adapt and Re-Use.

The objective of the Understanding Period (March-September 2021) was to ensure that ll Transfer Cities had a deep knowledge of the Vilawatt project, the pillars of the Innovative Practice, its achievements and difficulties as well as the main stakeholders involved.  

During this period the main actions carried out were: 

  • 2 Transnational Meetings 
  • Assessment of partner's transfer potential
  • Elaboration of the transfer study  

Then, the Adapt phase arrived. The main objective of this period was to deepen into the thematic aspects related to the 5 Vilawatt pillars and better understanding transfer measures to apply locally. The Project Partners also “visited” (virtually?) Nagykanizsa and Trikala to learn from their experiences. During this period the cities also progressed on their Investment and Springboard Plans with the support of the adapted planning tools.

After the Adapt Period (October 2021—June 2022) the last stage of the Vilawatt Transfer Mechanism (Vilawatt UTM) began.

The Reuse Period (July 2022- November 2022) have consisted in finalising the Investmnent and Springboard Plans by finetuning all activities, those responsible and the associated costs are included, in order to ensure their effective implementation. At this stage, the project partners had the opportunity to finally visite Viladecans (not possible before due to the COVID situation), , to see Vilawatt project on site, learn from the experience and get to know the different aspects of the Vilawatt-UIA project that has been promoting the energy transition in the municipality since 2016.

The project put the finishing touch on the final event held in October. A project closure in which all the stakeholders played a relevant role and the energy transition was the centre of all the conversations.

Vilawatt UTM has been an enriching experience where all stakeholders worked as one and the main goal was to empower cities for a better energy transition.

👉 Click here to see an overview video of this journey full of energy.

Also, if you want to know more, check out the Final Product!


Submitted by on 02/02/2023
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Sara Cerezo

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