Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Beyond car dependency & brain drain: How Ormož is striving for a more sustainable future

    From February 3rd to 6th, 2025, urban practitioners and stakeholders from the URBACT EcoCore network gathered in Ormož, Slovenia for a transnational partner visit. The meeting provided an opportunity to explore innovative solutions in investment attraction, sustainable mobility, business zone development and industrial transformation. These topics resonate with cities across Europe facing economic transitions, talent retention challenges, and sustainability goals. In this article we share some of the key takeaways on these topics from our meeting in Ormoz. 



    Eileen Crowley

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  • Midpoint Milestones for the URBACT EcoCore Network: A Review of Test Actions Across Partner Cities


    As the EcoCore network reaches its halfway point, the nine partner cities across Europe have made significant strides in their shared mission to proactively work with stakeholders to put in place the conditions required to capitalise on the opportunities of the green transition.

    To date, the network has travelled to six of the nine partner cities to participate in core network meetings, see good practices firsthand, and exchange on challenges and opportunities related to the green transition. Cities visited so far include Balbriggan, Santo Tirso, Parnu, Tuusula, Kekava, and Villena. In 2025, partners will visit Ormoz, Alba Iulia, and Dubrovnik. 

    Eileen Crowley

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  • Advancing Green and Smart Urban Development in Villena

    From November 18th -21st, 2024, Villena, Spain, hosted a pivotal meeting of the EcoCore Network, which included the mid-term review of the project and a masterclass on Smart and Green Industrial Zones. The event, enriched by expert contributions, site visits, and workshops, provided a comprehensive platform for exploring strategies that align industrial development with sustainability and innovation.


    Eileen Crowley

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  • Hackathon - The Balbriggan Innovation Challenge

    Hackathon - The Balbriggan Innovation Challenge


    The EcoCore Project lead partner Balbriggan, Ireland successfully ran a hackathon challenge, The Balbriggan Innovation Challenge, last Friday in the Lark Theatre, Balbriggan.

    The Balbriggan Innovation Challenge allowed like-minded individuals passionate about sustainability, the green economy with a passion for the Circular Economy to contribute to the EcoCore Project and develop a greener future for the citizens of Balbriggan. The Challenge afforded a unique opportunity for individuals/teams to innovate, co-create and network, using their unique skills to develop ideas around the green and circular economy, with a prize fund available to further develop and implement the successful ideas. 

    Gavin Cusack

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  • EcoCore City Visits to Tuusula and Ķekava: Showcasing Green Urban Innovation

    Last week, practitioners from across Europe visited the Finnish municipality of Tuusula and the Latvian town of Ķekava as part of the EcoCore project, a transnational action planning network exploring ways that cities can harness economic development opportunities of the green transition. Both visits underscored how cities can reshape themselves to foster sustainability, attract investments, and serve as testbeds for greener urban development.

    Eileen Crowley

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  • EcoCore Core Network Meeting in Pärnu: Leveraging Innovation Ecosystem to Drive Regional Development and Harness Green Transition Opportunities

    The picturesque city of Pärnu recently played host to the EcoCore network's transnational meeting and city learning visit which tool place on 21st and 22nd May 2024.  The event brought together key stakeholders from across EcoCore partner regions to discuss sustainable development, regional cooperation, and digital innovation. The agenda was packed with insightful presentations, workshops, and site visits, providing a comprehensive overview of Pärnu’s strategies and challenges in becoming a model of regional sustainability and digital excellence. Here's a summary of the highlights and key takeaways from the two-day event.


    Eileen Crowley

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