Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Playing cards and drinking coffee…

    … sounds more like a calm weekend afternoon activity. But for CityMobilNet it actually meant intensive work to push forward our Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans to completion by engaging and entertaining work elements. Moreover, not only the methods applied were out of the box: thanks to technical and personal hosting by the Municipality of Morne-a-l’Eau, our team gathered new experiences on planning and development challenges but as well solution pathways giving new ideas and perspectives to virtually everybody.

    Olaf Lewald

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  • Attractiveness. City´s internationalisation pathway to smart growth

    How cities are marketed as business and innovation ecosystems? This was the main theme of the URBACT IN FOCUS Transnational Workshop held in Grenoble from February 7 to 9, 2018, where we had the opportunity to discuss on marketing the city as a business location, with a central question to discuss: How to take advantage from the concept of smart specialisation to improve and give more direction when branding and communicating the city as a business environment and innovation ecosystem.


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  • Transnational Meeting in the Kortrijk region: Conservation through development

    From the 12th to the 15th of February of 2018 the network INT-HERIT had a meeting in Belgium where the partners had the opportunity to work together and develop a new work methodology. Please keep reading and see the content of some working sessions. At the end of the text you can also watch and follow an interactive debate about cultural heritage.

    Antonio Zafra

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  • Palermo - Integrated Action Plan

    After decades of stillness, Palermo is a city undergoing massive changes thanks to new urban policies aimed at providing more efficient public services, especially in the field of urban mobility. This transition phase implies a big challenge both for citizens and public administration in order to adapt to new habits, new procedures and to the use of new web devices. The Integrated Action Plan (IAP) intervenes in this context by proposing solutions able to improve the city’s social media governance meant as a key factor in driving both citizens and public administration towards a more sustainable city.


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  • Palermo - Integrated Action Plan

    After decades of stillness, Palermo is a city undergoing massive changes thanks to new urban policies aimed at providing more efficient public services, especially in the field of urban mobility. This transition phase implies a big challenge both for citizens and public administration in order to adapt to new habits, new procedures and to the use of new web devices. The Integrated Action Plan (IAP) intervenes in this context by proposing solutions able to improve the city’s social media governance meant as a key factor in driving both citizens and public administration towards a more sustainable city.


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    Last transnational meeting of BoostINNO in Milan was focused on social impact. On 24th January roundtable on Impact finance for social innovation was organised with experts and representatives from various financial institutions.


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