Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Insights from the URGE network: thematic report

    Insights from the URGE Network and experience from the ‘’Bayernkaserne’’ pilot project: Regulatory and standardisation needs as drivers to foster circular economy in the building sector

    By Dr. Eleni Feleki, Lead Expert of the URGE Action Planning Network

    City of Utrecht

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  • When time stopped... and we redefined how we work together.

    In Bistriţa, the journey of sharing experience in how procurement is done, with different European partners, started in 2018. As all URBACT projects are well organized, at the moment of starting the implementation of the project we had a pretty clear idea of what the experience will be about. Transnational meetings, ULG meetings, shared experiences, reports…

    Alison Taylor

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  • How does Tropa Verde works?

    In this video we show you how Tropa Verde works in Santiago de Compostela.

    Christian Beade

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  • How to create community gardens? Krakow shows us how…

    The Krakow Municipal Green Space Authority recently published a very interesting article on how to create community gardens, which are not just gardens: the challenging and key word is “community”.

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • NEW CITY HABITAT Conference in Krakow

    We were all supposed to meet in Krakow for the New City Habitat conference on 25th of September…but Covid-19 did now allow us to do so. Yet, our colleagues from the Polish city were not disheartened about it and put up what we, unanimously at RU:RBAN, considered as one of the best online conferences we’d ever participated in: from the technical smooth running of all activities and speakers’ interventions to the quality and variety of the presentations which managed to catch participants’ attention and concentration throughout the entire duration of the conference. In not so many words: a successful conference from any angle one would look at it.

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • Finding well-being in the forest

    According to research, spending time in nature can lead to significant health benefits. In Espoo, promoting well-being is now easier than before, thanks to the new Olari health nature trail in the Kokinmetsä forest opened in 2019. 

    Viktoria Soos

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