Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Innovation in recruitment and selection. Rotterdam vs Porto experiences

    By Loris Gherra, journalist

    Ivo Wissink, Program Manager of the City of Rotterdam, and Salomé Ferreira, HR Municipal Director of the Porto City Council, underline their respective recruitment method and the differences in the Northern and Southern Europe Public Administration HR approach. 


    Valeria Tarallo

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    In order to reinforce its focus and study more in depth some of the thematic issues involved in the transferability of the solution, the project through its Lead Partner has decided to engage an Ad-Hoc Expert, Eurico Neves that has as main task to identify and research about the challenges of adopting a Citizen card System and ensure its sustainability in the future.


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  • L'Hospitalet: spreading the use of art as a tool for social cohesion all over Europe

    Suite au report des nouveaux appels à réseau de planification d’action URBACT IV, nous déplaçons notre Infoday à janvier 2023. D'ici là, vous pouvez assister à l'Infosession organisée par le URBACT Secretariat le 11 octobre dans le cadre de l'European Week of Regions and Cities 2022.


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  • And the winners in Turin are…

    The five projects proposed by the civil servants have been awarded on the 16th December 

    Valeria Tarallo

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  • A-CHANGE, the Festival of Good Practices: RU:RBAN was there

    The Vivere in…Onlus Association, that manages the urban garden Park Ort9-Sergio Albani in Rome, participated in the A-Change - Festival of Good Practices which took place in Feltre on 22-23-24 November 2019. The Festival counted on the sponsorship and collaboration of the Municipality of Feltre and, above all, on the collaboration of the population.  

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • How can public procurement help cities achieve their sustainable goals?

    Sustainable public procurement aims to address the impact on society of the goods, services and works purchased by the public sector and can be a powerful tool both for advancing sustainable development and for achieving local social and environmental objectives. The Making Spend Matter cities came together in Bistrita, Romania, to explore public procurement as a strategic instrument to spend public money efficiently and sustainably.

    Alison Taylor

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