Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Urbact Interactive Cities Transnational Meeting Murcia – Part One

    The Murcia Team had the immense pleasure of hosting the previous to last partner meeting of the Urbact Interactive Cities Network in our city from the 24th until the 26th of January 2018, a vibrant mixture of working sessions, expert interventions, site-visits and workshops throughout the three-day-programme.

    Murcia with ≈450K inhabitants is the 7th largest city of Spain, capital of the Murcia Region and located in the southeast of the Iberia peninsula. The City has all modern facilities one can expect from a regional capital, and the economy is primarily based on services, (residential) tourism being important, and agriculture (exporting all over Europe, examples include fruit, vegetables and wine).


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  • How Glasgow is using URBinclusion to drive its Thriving Place, Govanhill

    By Marie McLelland - Glasgow Project Co-ordinator                

    URBinclusion is challenging Glasgow in a new way. It is giving us the space to explore how we implement existing plans and strategies and how we overcome the challenges we face. While this is something we may have done for some time, we now need to articulate, measure and monitor how we do it.

    Massimiliano Rumignani

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  • Spaces for smart specialisation: spaces and places where smart specialisation takes shape

    The urban economy is changing, and so are the locational needs for companies and workers. How can cities cope with this? URBACT IN FOCUS partners reflected on the development of new workspaces and places, in the context of smart specialisation strategies of cities and regions during the Transnational Workshop held in Bordeaux from 22-24 November 2017.


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  • What do you know on children and seniors? A mobility survey from Agii Anargyri & Kamatero

    Genius-open project - a Ning User guide to setting up an online open innovation platform.

    Olaf Lewald

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  • Gdańsk mobility in balance - how to achieve this?

    The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) is slowly becoming "must have" for European metropolises that want their residents to feel good in their own city. Gdańsk will also have this document.

    Olaf Lewald

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  • Cluster development and smart specialisation at city level

    The cluster approach is acknowledged as the most influential one in modern industrial policy worldwide, and the arrival of smart specialisation has emphasized its influence. But, why? How might local authorities take advantage of this momentum to enhance their role as facilitators of cluster initiatives? What new drivers are now working in the field of cluster development? This article gives us the opportunity to introduce some concepts associated to smart specialisation illustrated by examples from the In Focus network cities.

    Clusters and priority domains

    Miguel Rivas

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