Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Starting as We Mean to Go On

    A 2-day kick off meeting online provided a strong opening to the Zero Carbon Cities network – giving cities the support they need for developing their roadmap and establishing their local group – and co-creating their training and support needs.

    Adrian Slatcher

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    It has been ascertained through the different urban agriculture initiatives in Europe that urban gardens provide multiple benefits for our cities and their citizens. In the case of Thessaloniki, the COVID – 19 pandemic has fostered the commitment of the City in favouring urban gardens as a means to promote the overall resilience of the City.

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • Webinar: Approaching cultural diversity in a digital work environment

    The International Welcome Centre North in Groningen organizes all sorts of webinars for international students and expats living in the city of Groningen. In these times of the corona-crisis, working together via an online environment is even more important. But how should you organize this in an international team?

    Evite van Winkoop

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  • ¡Regístrate en los talleres de URBACT durante la Semana Europea de las Regiones y Ciudades!

    La Semana Europea de las Regiones y Ciudades (#EURegionsWeek) es el mayor acto anual consagrado a la política regional. Este año será la 18ª vez que se celebra, en este caso, de forma online del 5 al 22 de octubre. Este acto ha venido creciendo hasta convertirse en una plataforma donde se reúnen las regiones y ciudades de toda Europa a través de sus respectivos representantes para participar en sesiones de trabajo, exposiciones y actos sociales relacionados con el desarrollo regional y local. URBACT formará parte de los talleres online organizados, desarrollando 11 sesiones de diferentes temáticas.

    Jon Aguirre Such

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  • Shifting narratives in public innovation

    Innovato-R workshop for the EURegionsWeek: registration is open!

    Valeria Tarallo

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  • Vic: working (and walking) with the Local Group: a healthy step forward

    Two main challenges in relation to the HEALTHY CITIES network have emerged for the city of Vic. The first one is the Integration of Urban Green Areas and the recovery of the area called “Puig dels Jueus”, following the integrated Master Urban Plan with its cross-sectorial approach and holistic vision. The second challenge is to adjust the indicators and the methodology to perform the health impact assessment of this action.
    This represents a regeneration project, with a high content of urban planning, but Vic wants to achieve a cross-sectional cross-cutting approach. The project will allow discussions about mobility, environment, services, land use or hosting cultural and sport activities. Managing the Local Group is a big challenge, but the working sessions are already showing exciting outcomes

    Marta Rofin-Serra

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