Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Playful Paradigm to re-think cities: join our participatory play lab at the European Week of Regions and Cities

    Thu 8 October | 11:30 – 13:00 CET | Registration deadline: 27/09/2020

    Let's build together upon the Good Practice of the Playful Paradigm URBACT Network!


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  • Rome: the Improvement Plan of the city’s Regulations of Urban Gardens is going ahead

    The debate between the Councilor for Green Policies of the City of Rome, Ms Laura Fiorini, and the representatives of the city’s urban gardeners associations is in progress: the City Administration has launched the new rules for urban gardens and shared them with the City Districts before proceeding with their approval by the City Council. The rules have nevertheless encountered some confusion and disagreement among the representatives of the urban gardeners associations.

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • Local community initiatives thriving global

    What is the secret of those societal initiatives that could scale up and extend their local know-how and develop from a city initiative into a worldwide social movement? We analysed the key success factors and key rules that made it possible for them to scale up and set up these formats.

    Artur Katai

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  • A foot in the right direction for Manchester

    To achieve their Zero Carbon 2038 ambitions, Manchester City Council have looked to reduce short car journeys, specifically within the city centre. Lockdown has provided the impetus to pedestrianise parts of the city centre.

    Adrian Slatcher

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  • On the importance of a transversal approach for public procurement

    Schaerbeek is part of the « Making Spend Matter » European funded URBACT Transfer Network, allowing the Municipality to exchange good practices concerning public procurement with fellow cities across Europe.

    One of the ways our Municipality has progressed in its sustainable practices is by discussing its procedures and objectives internally and externally with our URBACT partners. This is indeed necessary, as public procurement is a complex administrative act, with many interdependent aspects.

    Alison Taylor

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  • The evaluation of a good example - housing agency for shrinking cities on the test stand

    As a lead partner and official URBACT Good Practice in the URBACT Transfernetwork ALT/BAU, Chemnitz was not like the other six partner cities initially faced with the question of how the working methods of a good practice could be transferred and adapted to another city. Nevertheless the city of Chemnitz also expected to gain knowledge from the URBACT network and pondered how this could be achieved.


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