Networks and cities' news

Catch up on the latest updates from cities working together in URBACT Networks. The articles and news that are showcased below are published directly by URBACT’s beneficiaries and do not necessarily reflect the programme’s position.

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  • Cultural regeneration of DAMSLab area in Bologna

    Culture as an engine for the growth of urban suburbs or areas with a low rate of opportunities and citizen involvement. This is the theme at the heart of the Urbact “Urban Regeneration Mix” project (REMIX project) in Bologna which is concerned with culturally regenerating the area of the Manifattura delle Arti and in particular the DamsLAB area.


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  • 2019 Bologna conference on citizen engagement

    An article by Denise Cahill - Project Lead Playful Paradigm, Cork City

    The City of Cork represented the Playful Paradigm partnership at the 2019 Bologna Conference on Citizen Engagement on July 1st and 2nd 2019.


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  • The Playful Paradigm: cruising across complexity of URBACT Transfer Plans

    An article by Paola Amato.

    Gaming and gamification are broader concepts that can help cities cope with demographic changes and the complexity behind an evolving society. This requires a shift in mentality and adoption of participative models where local communities are called to actively share and co produce solutions. But every context is different and much depends on the local governance and the role subsidiarity plays in each and every context.


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  • Find the courage to start implementing innovative solutions for our own city! A story from Salerno, Italy.

    The suggestion I can give to the other European cities from this experience is: being in contact with cities that have already made successful experiences is important to become more confident in our potential and to find the courage to start implementing innovative solutions for our own city.

    Angelos Ploumis

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  • Transnational Meeting Parma

    On the 18th and 19th of June 2019, the city of Parma in Italy hosted the third WIT transnational meeting. Parma, capital of food, Italian capital of Culture 2020. It was apt that the transnational meeting in Parma was themed ‘Citymarketing’. As per design, the first day of this meting was all about Parma, the second day was about the theme and about the best practice.

    Evite van Winkoop

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  • Diary of an international talent in Debrecen

    The Welcoming International Talent project focuses on welcoming international students and expats in medium sized European cities. Aim is to improve welcoming policies of six cities with various projects. But how do internationals themselves experience living in these welcoming cities? In this column, an international from each WIT-city will share their experiences. This time: Cynthia Guerra from Debrecen, Hungary

    Evite van Winkoop

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