URBACT stories

Hear from the URBACT community on today’s most pressing challenges and inspiring examples from all around Europe. Find the inspiration you have been looking for to put knowledge into action!

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  • Do we need participatory democracy to save democracy?

    Everyone acknowledges today that democracies around the world are increasingly challenged. The number of issues they have to face – and have difficulties to respond to (social justice, economic stability, climate change, etc.) – put our democracies at risk. On top of that, a growing number of people feel that they are not listened to or taken into consideration by policymakers. Citizens claim a right to have a say in public decisions, choices, and policies that are made.

    Christophe Gouache

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  • “Be a voyager, not a tourist:” Introducing the Action Planning Network Tourism-Friendly Cities

    “I welcome in my restaurant voyagers, not tourists. People who are curious and respectful of the local lifestyle, who appreciate that the daily menu depends of the fresh and locally available products and who do some research before visiting”.

    Fausto Cavanna, owner, La Taverna di Colombo, Genoa (Italy)

    Anamaria Vrabie

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  • “A big city is one that makes us feel big” – how digitalisation can change our perception of smaller cities

    The ‘IoTXchange’ URBACT ‘project that just kicked off this October in the Portuguese small city of Fundão - better known until now by its cherry trees - grouping other small cities across the theme of ‘Internet of Things for Urban Development’, has got us all thinking about what it really takes to be a ‘big’ city.

    Eurico Neves

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  • The Leipzig Charter and URBACT - an explainer

    Why City Labs? Find out more in our explainer.


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  • URBACT Transfer Lessons

    Urban Solutions: five early lessons from the URBACT Transfer Networks

    Find out why (and how) to share urban good practices!

    Eddy Adams

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  • Finding the silver lining in empty heritage: tales of temporary use

    In Ostrava (CZ) and Caen (FR), URBACT’s temporary use legacy lives on, creating new opportunities.

    Amy Labarrière

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