URBACT stories

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  • Towards strategic municipal CSR procurement in Europe: lessons and inspiration from URBACT

    URBACT cities are finding ways to unlock the potential of strategic public procurement to boost Corporate Social Responsibility.


    Steffen Wetzstein

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  • Cities must rethink procurement for a healthier economic recovery

    Ten tips for strategic, integrated public procurement to help local economies bounce back stronger.

    Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson

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  • Can public procurement help solve gender inequality?

    URBACT cities and experts investigate how to unlock the potential of public procurement to drive gender equality.


    Sally Kneeshaw

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  • URBACT’s strategic procurement knowledge at the click of a button!

    It’s never too late to access and use the information provided in URBACT’s online course.


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  • URBACT and public procurement: a wealth of knowledge to share

    Unlock the potential of public procurement in your city, with URBACT expert Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson.


    Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson

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