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  • Action Planning Networks in the URBACT City Festival 2022

    Vamos dar as boas-vindas às novas Redes de Planeamento de Ação!

    Na sequência da reunião do Comité de Monitorização URBACT IV de 31 de Maio, foi aprovada uma nova ronda de redes.


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  • Action Planning Networks in the URBACT City Festival 2022

    Odobrene su nove URBACT Mreže za planiranje!

    31. svibnja 2023. godine URBACT-ov Odbor za praćenje odobrio je 30 novih Mreža za planiranje (Action Planning Networks). Mreže su sastavljene od 252 pojedinačna partnera iz 28 europskih država.

    Lucija Jusup

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  • Action Planning Networks in the URBACT City Festival 2022


    Gratulujemy nowym partnerom Sieci URBACT! Prosimy o rejestrację do Uniwersytetu Letniego URBACT. Liczba miejsc ograniczona.


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  • Action Planning Networks in the URBACT City Festival 2022

    Bienvenue aux nouveaux partenaires des réseaux de planifications d'actions !

    Suite à la réunion du Comité de suivi d'URBACT IV du 31 mai dernier, une nouvelle série de réseaux a été approuvée.

    Mathieu Copere

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  • Event

    Workshop - Climate Neutral Districts

    An energy system that is no longer dependent on fossil fuels requires close collaboration of us all – from states to municipalities. The EU partnership Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) aims to share knowledge and create real impact in urban transitions. Within the Dutch National Programme Local Heat Transition (NPLW), city districts are trialling different methods to move towards a low-carbon energy system.



    Exchange with the people who are leading the transition

  • Apstiprināti 30 jauni URBACT projekti – to starpā 7 projekti ar Latvijas partneru dalību

    URBACT IV programmas Uzraudzības komiteja apstiprināja 30 rīcības plānošanas tīklu (Action Planning Networks) projektus, t.sk. arī 7 projektus ar Latvijas partneru dalību: AGENTS OF CO-EXISTENCE – Ķekava, DIGI-INCLUSION – Jelgavas novads, EcoCore – Ķekavas novads, LET'S GO CIRCULAR! – Rīgas enerģētikas aģentūra, PUMA – Liepāja un Dienvidkurzeme, Re-Gen – Daugavpils, Residents of the Future - Saldus.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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