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  • a group of people posing for a picture in from of an old building

    Nature-Based Solutions, Equal Cities & Inclusive Design

    The 5th Core Network Meeting of partners within the Green Place network took place in Nitra on October 15-16, 2024. The meeting focused on the topics of Nature-Based Solutions, Equal Cities & Inclusive Design. It was also aimed at feedback on the addressed area of ​​abandoned brownfield of former military barracks and drawing on relevant experiences with partners on this topic. The meeting continued with some partners on October 17 as  a site visit, showcasing successful examples of good practices in green infrastructure, work with minority groups, improving the health of residents, and the reconstruction of historic buildings.

    Joanna Gańcza-Pawełczyk

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  • 11

    Kuidas saavutada energiaüleminek linnades? Bukaresti edulugu ja ELi City Lab’i õppetunnid

    Millist toetust vajavad linnad energiaülemineku saavutamiseks? Milline on Bukaresti edulugu?

    Annika Vaiko

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  • URBACT kampus za slovenske občine

    URBACT akcijske mreže so na polovici svoje poti. Z namenom opolnomočenja mest z novim znanjem, ki jim bo pomagalo v implementacijski fazi projektov in pri iskanju ter zagotavljanju finančnih sredstev za njihovo uresničitev, je med 26 in 27. novembrom 2024 je v Celju potekal slovenski URBACT kampus, eden od 18 kampusov, ki potekajo po vsej Evropi. Pridružili so se nam predstavniki iz Bovca (U.R.Impact), Ormoža (EcoCore in Econnecting), Nove Gorice (PUMA), Škofje Loke (Breaking Isolation in S.M.ALL), Idrije (Tech Diversity), Postojne (FEMACT-Cities) in Celja (Cities@Heart). Udeležence sta skozi delavnice vodila slovenska URBACT strokovnjaka, Klemen Strmšnik in Igor Kos, organizacijo in izvedbo dogodka pa je podprla slovenska Nacionalna URBACT točka.


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  • A goup of people walking around the old depot area

    Planning for Green: The Future of Wrocław’s Popowice Depot

    The old Sachsenhausen and Bornheimer depots in Frankfurt am Main and  Czasoprzestrzeń at Biskupin in Wrocław are just a few of the places that gained a second life after the line buses and trams "moved out". Now, another depot in Wrocław has a chance to join them in a green ecological style - Popowice at 65 Legnicka Street, being a case study in the "GreenPlace, Let's do it together!" project.  This is all due to the "testing actions" taking into account the pro-ecological projects planned to be implemented within the complex.

    Joanna Gańcza-Pawełczyk

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  • Event

    CONAMA 2024. Los municipios españoles en el marco de las políticas urbanas europeas. Retos y oportunidades

    Mesa 1: Retos y oportunidades para los municipios españoles desde la perspectiva institucional

    Esta mesa, contará  con representantes de instituciones clave, quienes ofrecerán una panorámica de oportunidades, programas y herramientas de financiación, planificación, difusión y capacitación para el desarrollo urbano sostenible y el cumplimiento del ODS 11 (Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles).

  • Vergroening als weg naar veerkracht in stedelijk gebied

    Groene plekken in steden kunnen gezondheid en geluk enorm verbeteren. Met één kanttekening: groen is niet altijd goed voor iedereen.

    URBACT punt Nederland

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