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  • AS TRANSFER - What is going on?

    What has AS TRANSFER been up to until today?

    Cristina Urizar

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  • Beszámoló a CO4CITIES negyedik transznacionális találkozójáról (Kolozsvár, 2022. február 22-23.)

    Kolozsvár adott otthont a CO4CITIES hálózat negyedik transznacionális találkozójának 2022. február 22-én és 23-án.

    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Sju svenska kommuner i EUs storsatsning på 100 klimatneutrala städer 2030

    Vi kan med glädje meddela att Gävle, Göteborg, Helsingborg, Lund, Malmö, Stockholm och Umeå är de svenska kommuner som nu blir en del av EUs mission om klimatneutrala städer 2030 – Cities Mission. Totalt har 100 städer av 377 sökande valts ut. Två av dessa kommuner är just nu delaktiga i URBACT nätverk och flera av de andra har varit det tidigare.

    Sara Palo

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  • Industry is on the way towards net-zero energy cities

    The Métropole Rouen Normandie (France) explains why and how to conciliate industry and energy management when the territory has a important industrial fabric. In other words, how to combine economic asset and development with energy transition with harmoniously.

    Hélène Mazaleyrat

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  • Space for discussions in Frankfurt meeting

    As the host city Frankfurt welcomed all APN partners for the third Transnational Network Meeting this year, 29 – 30 of March. A network meeting excellent moderated by Mary Dellenbaugh-Losse which gave important space for sharing experiences as well as internal discussions for the final IAP Review.

    Elisabeth Lind

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  • Proximity - Vilvoorde's campaign encouraging citizens to act

    Vilvoorde is a front-runner of climate policy in Flanders, but the challenge of working with all local stakeholders is an are thats in need of improving if the municipality wants to reach its high aspirations. As a small city and organization, it is impossible to achieve the climate ambitions without the efforts of citizens, companies and organizations.

    Laura McIntosh

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